
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Independant Study, Delayed Cord Clamping vs Immediate Cord Clamping Essay

Throughout the students practical placements they have witnessed midwives having conflicting views on the practice of delayed cord clamping which then allowed the student to research the topic in depth. After reviewing all the evidence the student will make recommendations for practice. They should discuss the implications of both delayed cord clamping and immediate cord clamping to improve patient safety and reduce harm to both the neonate and the mother. For the student to show their ability to be an independent learner they must undertake a study on a subject of their choice. The student has chosen to discuss whether delayed cord clamping or immediate cord clamping is more beneficial for a positive outcome for neonates and mothers. The student will relate this subject to The World Health Organisations (WHO) documentation relating to patient safety and also how delaying cord clamping could reduce harm to the neonate and mother. Previous to this study the student will have presented their plan and learning outcomes to a small audience and has also provided a rationale, stating the aim, learning outcomes and also outlining their reasoning on choosing this particular topic for their Independent study (appendix 1). Literature Review The most historically practiced protocol has been delayed cord clamping, with work dating back to 1773, when Charles While published his famous work, A Treatise on the Management of Pregnant and Lying in Women, which taught delayed cord clamping as common practice except in the case of a nuchal cord (Cook, 2007). Erasmus Darwin in 1801 suggested that it was injurious to an infant if the umbilical cord was cut too soon. He advised it should always be left until the child has repeatedly breathed and the cord had stopped pulsating, otherwise the baby would be left much weaker than it should be as the blood which should have been transfer to the baby would have been left in the placenta (Bluff, 2006). Immediate cord clamping started becoming more common practice in the 1960s due to two reasons. Firstly, mismanaged jaundice provoked a great deal of lawsuits against paediatricians who then urged obstetricians to minimise placental transfusion. Secondly, due to the increase use of analgesia and active management of the third stage of labour Eastman (1950) stated that by the widespread use of analgesic drugs in labour, it has resulted in a number of infants who had sluggish respiratory effects at birth causing the need for immediate cord clamping to take place. In 1997 the World Health Organisation suggested the primary reason for early clamping being practiced is to protect the neonate from the large infusion of blood that occurs from the Syntocinon induced contraction immediately after delivery. More recent studies have shown the opposite from this and that delayed cord clamping is more beneficial to the mother and baby. The NICE Clinical Guidelines (2007) on intra-partum care carried out a review to ascertain whether interfering with placental transfusion had any benefits to the mother or the baby. Their findings was that there was insufficient evidence to support delayed cord clamping in high income countries but it did support that delayed cord clamping reduced anaemia in low to middle income countries. They suggest this is due to anaemia being more prevalent in those countries over all and that more research needs to be done to suggest delayed cord clamping is beneficial to mother and baby. The student has chosen three studies to consider and review. The first is a study by Anderson et al, (2011). Their aim was to determine the effects of delayed cord clamping versus early cord clamping on neonatal outcomes and iron status at four month. Their reasoning behind this was that previous studies have found that as much as 26% of children suffer from anaemia and in India 70% of children between six-eleven months were found to be anaemic (Jaleel, Deeba, Khan, 2009). It has been suggested that iron deficiency has been associated with impaired neurological development; therefore Anderson et al (2011) decided to carry out a randomised control trial to try and decided what would be the best practice. They state their main focus is haemoglobin and iron status at four months of age and they have a secondary focus of neonatal anaemia, early respiratory symptoms and polycythaemia. Their aim was clear from the outset that they would show delayed cord clamping reduces iron deficiency in neonates. The second study is an article by Bluff (2006) discussing early versus delayed cord clamping. Bluffs objective is to prove that by delaying cord clamping it can reduce the incidences of Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Intravatricular Haemorrhage, Necrotizing Enterocolostic and brain damage. Bluff (2006) provides sufficient evidence to back up their claim agreeing with Anderson et al (2011) that delayed cord clamping is more beneficial to the mother and baby than early cord clamping. The third study the student has chosen to discuss is one of midwives views on delayed cord clamping. Airey et al (2008) states that although there is evidence to associate delayed cord clamping with benefits to mother and baby midwives still practice early clamping. The author claims there is an uncertainty of alternative strategies with cord clamping. Falcao (2012) agrees suggesting this may be due to the lack of knowledge and clear guidelines of what delayed cord clamping is. Therefore Airey et al (2008) conducted a survey, their aim was to interview a number of delivery suite midwives and record the results, stating there is conflicting knowledge of the timing of delayed cord clamping. Anderson et al (2011) states that young children are at risk of iron deficiency due to low iron intake and the need for iron for rapid growth. Iron is essential for cognitive development (Mitra, 2009) therefore it is important that we understand the best practice possible to reduce these risk associated with iron deficiency and achieve optimal brain development. Bluff (2006) states that iron stores are crucial for optimal neurological development. Anderson et al (2011) obtained their results from 400 full term infants in low risk pregnancy which makes it one of the largest randomised controlled studies comparing delayed and early clamping. By using a larger group it gives more accurate and widespread results (NIH,2012). Their results showed, that at four months of age infants had no significant differences in haemoglobin concentration, but 45% of infants that had delayed cord clamping had higher ferritin levels and lower prevalence of iron deficiency. Mitra et al (2009) also carried out a similar study, although only using 130 participants the same results were found that delayed cord clamping reduces the risk of iron deficiency. Many studies have shown that by clamping the umbilical cord immediately after birth it reduces the blood the neonate receives therefore it may increase the risk of that infant becoming iron deficient or anaemic. The blood circulating the placenta and umbilical vessels is 25-40% of the babies total blood volume (Yao & Lind,1974). A healthy neonate’s blood volume is around 80-115ml/kg of birth weight therefore a neonate weighing 3. 6kg has a blood volume of 209- 290mls of blood, which 75-125mls may have been transfused. By delaying cord clamping and allowing the extra blood to be transfused this could provide the neonate with an additional 50 mg of additional iron which may prevent or delay low iron levels as an infant ( Bluff, 2006). Bluff (2006) also discusses the other benefits to delayed cord clamping, such as reducing the risks of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) which is the major cause of neonatal morbidity, mortality, Necrotising Enterocolitis (NEC) and Intraventricular Haemorrhages (IVH). This is due to immediate clamping of the cord preventing additional blood being transfused to the neonate which is the equivalent to the amount transferred to a baby with profound shock Morley (1998). This describes immediate cord clamping as the equivalent of subjecting an infant to a massive haemorrhage. Mercer and Skovgaard (2002) state that if we lost this much blood at any other point in our lives it would cause serves morbidity or death. . By clamping the cord immediate after delivery this would result in blood being sacrificed from other organs in order to establish pulmonary perfusion, which may increase the risk of the neonate suffering from RDS, NEC or IVH. The use of Delayed Cord Clamping should also be used with preterm neonates. Strauss et al (2008) also carried out a randomised controlled trial comparing delayed versus immediate cord clamping but specifically relating to preterm neonates. The outcomes are the same as the previous trials that delayed cord clamping is more beneficial to the neonate than immediate cord clamping. The author states that the neonates whole blood volume was increased after delayed cord clamping. Bluff (2006) also agrees that delayed cord clamping should be used with preterm infants if possible as it increases red blood cells and stabilises blood pressure therefore decreasing the need for transfusions and also decreases the risk of bleeding in the brain. Although there is a great deal of evidence showing benefits to the neonate from delayed cord clamping, there is also benefits to the mother. Bluff (2006) suggests that by delaying the clamping of the cord it reduces the risk of the mothers experiencing a post-partum haemorrhage or a retained placenta. By immediately clamping the cord it increases the placentas blood supply by as much as 100mls therefore increasing the bulk of the placenta and decreasing the efficiency of uterine contractions which are necessary for the expulsion (Bluff, 2006). In 1968 Walsh found that Delayed Cord clamping reduces post-partum haemorrhages and retained placentas. She states that with the placenta being less bulky when it has been drained blood by the neonate, the uterus can contract easier and ore effectively on a less engorged placenta therefore reducing maternal blood loss. This is helping to improve patient safety to the mothers by preventing PPHs and retained placentas. It was thought that early cord clamping should be performed if the mother is anaemic, so in 2004 a study conducted by the Liverpool school of tropical medicine assessed mothers with a mean haemoglobin level of 10g/dl. The results showed it was still beneficial to the neonatal to delay the cord clamping and caused no adverse effects to the mother. The adverse effects of delayed cord clamping which are outlined in the studies are that it may cause polycythaemia and hyperbilirubinemia. There have been studies to show that polycythaemia and jaundice is an increased risk of delayed cord clamping. Polycythaemia means that more red cells are transfused delivering more oxygen to the tissues which Bluff (2006) suggests could be beneficial. Some, use the reasoning that there is a risk that by having more red blood cells may cause the blood to become too thick as an argument against delayed cord clamping, which seems to be negligible in healthy babies. Morley 1998). A study carried out by Hutton and Hussian (2007) showed that the infants who had delayed cord clamping had a slight increase in polycythaemia but where not symptomatic and did not need any treatment. Morley(1998) suggest that if a baby receives their full quota of blood, then the baby is almost certain to suffer from slight jaundice as its caused by the normal breakdown of the normal excess blood to produce bilirubin, but there is no evidence of adverse effects from this. Mercer et al (2003) also carried out randomised and nonrandomised studies on delayed cord clamping. From the five hundred and thirty one term infants and nine trials she conducted, there were no significant symptoms of either polycythaemia or hyperbilirubinemia noted. Hutton and Hussians study also showed a slight increase in bilirubin levels within the first 24 hours of live but no infants had to be treated. There were insignificant differences in bilirubin levels from three to fourteen days. The trial Anderson et al (2011) carried out also found no differences in these outcomes. The Cochrane review (2008) was one which reported significant differences in bilirubin levels between immediate cord clamping and delayed cord clamping and suggested a number of infants needed phototherapy for jaundice, although it was conducted using unpublished data. Therefore given no reason to ensure the cord is clamped immediately to prevent any harm to the infant. One of the problems the student observed while working in a clinical area was the midwives different views and practices on cord clamping. Airey et al (2008) carried out a study to gather the general senses of midwives views on the subject. They interviewed 63 delivery suit midwives of which 42 described delayed cord clamping as when the pulsation stops, but 48 of the midwives admitted to clamping the cord within one minute of the baby being delivered. The author states that within the UK 87% of units give Sytocinon and clamps the cord early applying controlled cord traction. Falcao (2012) agrees in which a higher percentage of midwives will practice early cord clamping rather than delayed. She suggests this may be due to the lack of knowledge and clear guidelines of what delayed cord clamping is. Falcao (2012) states all midwives should have a clear understanding of the timing and benefits of delayed cord clamping to have the safest up to date practice. Discussion Patient safety is a worldwide public health problem, but the issues around patient safety differ. In 2002, The World Health Organisation recognises patient safety as ‘the need to reduce harm and suffering of patients and their families’. They state that any producers carried out should be evidence based to help prevent harm. Anderson et al (2011) randomised controlled trial refers to reducing harm to the neonate. They suggest that by delaying the cord clamping it is improving iron stores. As previously discussed by increasing iron stores it is likely to reduce the risk of impaired cognitive function, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Intraventricular Haemorrhage and Necrotising Enterocolitis (Bluff, 2006). This is giving us evidence that delayed cord clamping is beneficial to the neonate. The Royal College of Midwives have produced a document ‘Evidence Based Guidelines for midwifery-led care in labour; third stage of labour’ which outlines the ‘pros and cons’ for delaying cord clamping, stating communication is important. They suggest by informing the women of her choices and explaining to her the benefits she should be able to make a decision which midwifes will support. According to the joint commission on Accreditations of HealthCare Organization, communication was the worst category in 2005. They state the reason for ineffective communication is varied from stressful environments causing staff to forget information, to the culture of autonomy and hierarchy of staff. Poor communications between health care professionals, patients and their carers has shown to be the most common reason for lawsuits against health care providers (WHO,2011). It is important that information about delayed cord clamping is shared with the women herself so she is able to make an informed choice about the care of her and her baby. Another problem highlighted in communication is the ability to handover correct information to staff taken over their care. The SBAR communication tool has been implement for staff to be able to communicate effectively with one another (NHS, 2006). Communication is essential to good team work, and team work is essential to patient safety (NHS, 2007). Staff should use the tool in the clinical area where it enables the communication to be clear and allows the midwife looking after the women to write down their care plan for the staff to take over without the worry of missing essential information. Communication is also very important in delayed cord clamping as Airey et al (2008) highlighted the midwives have different views on cord clamping and the timing that defines delayed clamping. Their results showed a variance in understanding of delayed clamping times whether it should be after one minute, five minutes or after pulsation has stopped. Each unit should be able to communicate with their staff to make sure that all midwives have the same understanding of cord clamping to promote the best possible practice to reduce harm. NHS Scotland (2007) state that clinical descions about treatments should be made on the basis of the best possible evidence to ensure care is safe and effective. Midwives should have the ability to be able to assess information which would help them make decisions about the best possible care for that women. They should be able to understand where delayed cord clamping is not appropriate by identifying a problem such as an obstetric emergencies, and use appropriate interventions to care for that women and her baby to reduce the risk of any harm (WHO 2011). WHO (2007) state that evidence does not always need to be the most up to date to be the most accurate. Bluff (2006) discusses article written as far back as 1773 which are relevant to practice today and still adhere to patient safety guidelines discussing how delayed cord clamping reduces harm to the neonate by increasing blood supply. As Bluff (2006) discusses, there is some evidence that shows immediate cord clamping contributes to post-partum haemorrhage (PPH). The rate of PPH continues to rise although most other causes of severe maternal morbidity declines. International data suggest that post-partum haemorrhage is increasing worldwide with 385 women in Scotland experienced PPH in 2011, one in every 170 births. PPH accounted for 73% of all the reported incidents of severe maternal morbidity. (Healthcare Improvement Scotland, 2013). As Bluff (2006) states by simply practicing delayed cord clamping causing the placenta to be drained of blood by the neonate it will help reduce the number of women experiencing Post-partum haemorrhages improving Patient safety. By gathering all the information and research studies carried out it is clear that by delaying cord clamping at deliveries it can reduce harm to neonates and prevent unnecessary illnesses and diseases. WHO state that’s when solutions have been shown to work effectively in controlled research settings, it is important that we can assess and evaluate the impact, accessibility and affordability of these solutions and implement then accordingly. It has been proven that by practicing delayed cord clamping cost is reduced as it is less likely for the neonate to need a blood transfusion. (Kinmond, 1993) . It is very accessible as we would not be changing practice just delaying it therefore we should implement delayed cord clamping to reduce harm and improve on patient safety for both mothers and neonates.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Physical Education: Concepts and Legal Basis Essay

Physical education is the training in physical fitness and in skills that engages psychomotor learning promoting such fitness. It is the education through physical activity for the total development of the body and mind of a person. It was once excluded in most societies, giving more importance to literacy. But once literacy was spread, it was included in school programs because of the awareness that fitness helped the mind. In the West, people developed a teaching system for physical education. And as more public schools used these teaching systems, physical education joined baccalaureate curricula, becoming a major in Columbia University in 1901 and elsewhere later. 2. What are the concepts of physical education? The concepts of physical education include improvement of physical fitness, self-discipline, strengthened peer relationship, and improvement of self-esteem and confidence of a person. Physical education teaches people the value of physical activity in their lives so that they can avoid sedentary lifestyles. People who are active in team sports develop good interaction skills to achieve a common goal, thus strengthening peer relationships and building up confidence. 3. What is the legal basis of physical education? The legal basis of physical education in the Philippines can be found in the Philippine Constitution of 1987, Article 14, Section 19. It states that: 1)The State shall promote physical education and encourage sports programs, league competitions and amateur sports, including training for international competitions, to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry. 2)All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mha 601

Name: Erika Hernandez MHA601:    Principles of Health Care Administration Professor: Alisa Wagner Date: March 4, 2013 Avoiding Errors in Healthcare Management The health care organizations, managers develop new ways to address these errors among the postmodern and complexity adaptive systems (CAS). Managers must develop strategies for advantages of learning that if change is applied to our management skills in which is being implemented by the postmodern and complexity adaptive systems to become production. They are being faced with many challenges in any situation at our everyday employment or job setting.They must be able to determine what is correct when making decisions while knowing and learning to do what is right for the health care organization. In this assignment, I will cover the ten error scenarios and the explanation on why they are errors in healthcare management organizations. The first error that I will explain is failing to accountability for employee to learn safe machine operation methods by experimenting on their own. This error will allow them to exclude a step by step process, which a step by step process is what makes the organization operate at its best.I believe that the employees will benefit and develop their own way of processing these machines operations to better their job performance. Keeping a minimum routine can reduce the quality of product. The second error is training all employees with the same orientation program regardless of the cultural interpretation. In the United States, we live in a huge diverse world as time changes and also we retrieve the information given to us differently as well as how we interpret the information. The main point of managers is not to compare or contrast any situation, but to correct the way of everyone’s training.Our text mentions, postmodern and complexity adaptive system that both of them address problems between what people observe and what they think things should be. The next erro r is disciplining one employee, expecting a modest change in behaviour but getting a union response. The quality of relationships within a healthcare organization may be more important than the quality of the people, because healthcare organizations are essentially relational in their structures, processes, and functions (Stroebel, 2005).Healthcare organization relies greatly on the influence of the employees to establish a great relationship within the organization. An example would be having a great relationship with the patients and families as well. Another error is changing a work process without considering the role of communities of practice on the work performance. In this error, the employee with a disciplining can be a reflection of a change in the work place setting. We as managers must develop strategies on any change without the employees initiating and the outcome could be to better the organization.Healthcare management plays a huge important role that for them to kno w what their role is and how to execute their role and to receive the best outcome is hard work. The next error that I will discuss in addressing is assuming that employees will not reallocate work assignments based on their perception of the best arrangement even after receiving work allocation assignments from managements. If managers do not receive the correct information in the allocated time, they do not understand the dynamic of satisfying our clients.Being organized is the most important thing that can be handled properly to assure the best way for our organization. Another error is ignoring the speed of informal messages as they fail to manage rumours in a productive manner. We can provide an environment of psychological safety that will help workers develop an attitude toward innovation that enables them to act with a presumption of personal and professional confidence (Edmondson, 1996). This error can mean generating a negative energy throughout the health care organizatio n and by providing positive environments can create positive production.The next error is failing to treat the organization’s dominant logic as an emergent property of the system, instead treating it as something that can be imposed on the system. In this error, we must prepare ourselves of what is we are going to receive as sometimes we do not want to know what the outcome really would be. In our hospital, we are having some of these errors that now they are being planned to better our organization for the best of the employees. Next, we have looking for one bad apple in a group as a strategy for improving work quality while the quality of output may be an emergent property of the group can also be an error.This can lead to paying attention to the irrelevant things that exist in the organization. For example, we set up control systems and end up watching the control system instead of the systems (Weick, 1985). The fact that the release of the any new product may change the m arket in such a way as it makes the market analysis incorrect. Our world is continuously change the ability to respond creatively to market analysis can lead to unexpected situations either to any healthcare setting organizations.I think by creating an environment where the whole people would feel free to discuss both the positive and negative outcomes of unintended events, and where the sharing of ideas is seen as a way to leverage new things in unexpected ways. Complexity science and postmodernism concentrate on â€Å"transforming the space of the possible. †    (Johnson, 2010). The last error of discussion is offering a premium to internal workers for extra production without expecting the change in rewards structure to affect relationship with suppliers.This is an error that provides incentives for the internal workers to provide production. Great managers are about making changes to bring the best out of our workers and giving them a pat on the back as to showing them what a good job they have been doing and recognizing their employees. Considering different ways on expecting and assuming what is giving this can open the organization up to better planning in the future. In conclusion, these ten scenarios as errors can lead to critical concerns within an organization that managers must develop strategies for advantages of learning.Managing healthcare organization requires being creative and helping people to do good things. Any decision making can be a key component to operating a great healthcare organization. As the change is applied to our organization the management skills will be implemented to the postmodern and complexity adaptive systems to become productive in the organization. References Edmondson, A. C. (1996). Learning from mistakes is easier said than done: Group and organizational influences on the detection and correction of human error. J Applied Behavior Science. 32(1):5–28. Johnson, J. A. (2010).Health organizations:    Theory, behavior, & development. Boston: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 9780763750534 Weick, K. E. (1985). Cosmos vs. chaos: Sense and nonsense in electronic contexts. Organ Dyn. 14(2):51–64 Bird, K. , Kundu, A. & de Lujan Perez, G. (2010). Using Deming’s principles to create the next generation of healthcare leaders. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 33(2), 15. Retrieved from the ProQuest database. Swedish, J. (2009). Leadership: Meeting the demands of the times. Frontiers of Health Services Management, 26(2), 31. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.

Comparison of Barbara Ehrenreich"Bright-Sided" and " Essay

Comparison of Barbara Ehrenreich"Bright-Sided" and " Mariah Burton Nelson, " I Won. I'm sorry." - Essay Example It does this by looking at how these articles are in a dialogue about identified aspects of popular US culture discussed by these scholars. In I Won. Im sorry, Nelson presents a candid and insightful discussion on the gender stereotyping in athletics as one of the popular cultures in USA. As a former basketball player, Nelson alludes to her own experiences because she happened to have actively engaged in her favorite game at a time when US culture was quite skeptical ob the involvement of women in certain sporting activities. With her first-hand experiences, Nelson acknowledges that indeed, gender inequality is quite evident in athletics in the country. Due to the patriarchal nature of the society, men have been brought up to believe that there are certain games that should not only be reserved for them. To them, the womenfolk should only concentrate on skating, gymnastics and tennis. The other prominent feature that appears in Nelson’s discussion is the issue of feminism. Even if the society is slowly transforming and giving room to the women to be active in athletics, a lot of concern is raised about how their involvement in athletics can make them to behave. Unlike their male counterparts, women are supposed to be careful not to be viewed as masculine. She says ‘Women want to be tall enough to feel elegant and attractive, like models. They want to feel respected and looked up to. But they don’t want to be so tall that their height threatens men. They want to win — to achieve, to reach new heights — but without exceeding male heights’ (P 570). Meaning, they are still viewed as a weaker sex who should apologize for appearing masculine and at times have to feature in nude adverts so as to prove to the society that they are still elegant and have the beauty that qualified them as feminine creatures who must be dominated by the male

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Peacekeeping Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Peacekeeping - Essay Example Many countries, including the United States and others have had a hand in peacekeeping missions. The United Nations would be the guiding force for such peacekeeping missions in an effort to foster democratic peace worldwide. Operational law should be the governing force behind Peacekeeping Operations. One very important aspect of peacekeeping operations would be obtaining a clarified definition of the specific peacekeeping mission. A Peacekeeping Operation can often be described as any unilateral or multilateral intervention into the civil affairs of a foreign country designed to give a more secure and stable atmosphere, support constitutional processes, provide protection for citizens and facilitate repatriation processes for refugees. Peacekeeping operations also facilitate the capacity toward supporting provisional or interim governments and setting the stage for arrival of multinational forces. In this paper the first section deals with the various types of peacekeeping missions, the second section defines the term 'peacekeeping' and third section would specify the nature, cause and importance of local knowledge to the success of peacekeeping operations followed by a conclusion where the entire topic is summed up. There in fact would be several different kinds of Peacekeeping Operati... Current peacekeeping missions include UNTSO in the Middle East, UNDOF in Golan Heights, UNIFIL in Lebanon, which are all in the Middle East. UNFICYP is in Cyprus, UNOMIG is in Georgia and UNMIK is in Kosovo and are considered European operations. UNMOGIP is in India-Pakistan, and MINUSTAH is in Haiti. All these are current peacekeeping operations. The completed missions of peacekeeping operations are as follows. UNTAET from East Timor, UNIKOM from Iraq-Kuwait, UNMOP from Croatia, UNMIBH from Bosnia Herzegovina. This information was found on the Bureau of International Organization Affairs website and updated as of 2006. Within each of these missions a framework of operations would have been either loosely or strictly adhered to. It would be the adaptation of these frameworks that would be of utmost importance. The frameworks allow for a further and better understanding of the locality involved in the peacekeeping mission. Research is done to ensure that the framework would contain enough capacity for upholding the entire peacekeeping mission. Sorenson and Wood (2004) in The Politics of Peacekeeping in the Post-Cold War Era written in 2004 wrote that when questioning the scope of a particular peacekeeping mission, decisions as to the feasibility for continuation of the peacekeeping mission should be considered. Scope and duration have become an issue in peacekeeping missions as a result (Sorenson and Wood, 2004: 129). This is where consideration for the actors in the decision-making process for peacekeeping operations would fall into place. Lawmakers amidst other government officials would quite often have some say in feasibility of peacekeeping missions along with duration and the number of forces to be included in the mission.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Values of Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Values of Women - Essay Example Her roles will involve ensuring that the health of her children is good at all times. It is necessary to take the children to doctors as well as dentists in good time. In general, she is supposed to keep all the appointments made by doctors as a way of ensuring that her children are safe and healthy at all times (Brady, 775). The responsibility of a wife in a family or marriage should not only involve taking her children for checkups, but she also needs to ensure that the children develop well in all aspects of their life. Their duty should therefore be to ensure that the children have a social life that is achievable by taking her children to the parks or zoos (Brady 775). A woman or a wife is not supposed to complain about her roles in the family. A woman is supposed to be both understanding and supportive to her husband. This is evident in the statement, â€Å"But I want a wife who will listen to me† (Brady 776). Apart from ensuring that children have a social life, a wife is also supposed to pay attention to the social needs of her husband. She ought to clean the house in readiness for her husband’s guests whenever he invites his friends over for either dinner or any form of entertainment. Her role in entertaining her husband’s guests should be replenishing the wine glasses, making sure there are ashtrays and serving the guests with food (Brady 776). Another area where a woman’s role is essential is in the satisfaction of her husband’s sexual needs (Brady, 776). In the essay, a man has been portrayed as a powerful creature with full control over women. For example, he has the freedom to change wives whenever he feels like (Brady, 776). In summary, any woman who performs all the roles listed above is termed as a good wife who is desirable by all men. The essay Sex, Lies and Conversation by Deborah Tannen, people learn that men talk more in public and less at home. This observation was illustrated when Deborah addressed a gr oup of men and women at suburban Virginia. She noted that during the discussion, one man was so talkative as compared to his wife who was silent most of the time. According to Deborah in Sex, Lies, and Conversation, she says that most women find conversation as an important element in the growth of friendship. From the analogy of girl’s intimacy to thread, it is clear that friendship in girls is boosted largely through the exchange of secrets (Deborah 1). As a result, women do expect men to have more values and qualities as compared to their best friends. According to the Stanford University reports published in the April issue, Eleanor Maccoby pointed out that the social structure influences the development of children and defines the level of interaction with their peers (Deborah 1). The degree of interaction in children, as highlighted by Deborah is usually similar to that displayed in adults. Despite the fact that bond among boys can be as strong as that experienced in gi rls, boys usually talk less, but act more as compared to girls. This is because most men do not believe that talk is essential in building friendships (Deborah 1). Most women complain that men do not listen during conversations. The reason behind the complaints as stated by Deborah is that most groups of boys are usually large. A significant proportion of these boys engage in continuous

Monday, August 26, 2019

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Personal statement - Essay Example To be specific, my father is the president of a local bank in China. My father and mother have always been interested in their jobs, and they frequently used to discuss financial problems and solutions. In addition, when I was a high school student, I used to look through books beyond my textbooks. For instance, I used to read my parents’ books related to management and business law. Obviously, these books were useful to them as bank employees, and they were stimulating to me as a person developing an increasingly deeper interest in economics. Gradually, I came to realize that learning economics could help me to have a secure life in the future. My work experience and internship include some basic work in a local bank in China. For example, during last summer vacation, I worked as a teller. This helped me to have practical experience in dealing with customers. Moreover, this internship helped me to acquire the basic skills that are essential to a bank employee. Now, I realize that work experience and internship are most helpful for an individual who is aiming to be a bank employee. So, I gained the basic skills in customer care, especially the skill to deal with short-tempered customers. My core courses at City College have included macro-economics, micro-economics, Statistics, Calculus- Biology, Social Science and Business. These courses have helped to develop my interest in the major. For instance, all these courses, except Social Science, are related to the theoretical area of banking. On the other side, Social Science relates to the practical matter of customer relations. The course subjects like macro-economics, micro-economics, Statistics, Calculus at City College and major requirements at the University of California are same. Besides, I am particularly interested in macro-economics and micro-economics, especially the theories like Classical Economics and New Classical Economics and theory of Demand. The classes at City College sparked my curiosit y in the subject in part because macro-economics was familiar to me. Later, I discussed this matter with my parents and they encouraged me in my habit of reading books. The lecture classes at City College have also helped me to grasp new concepts and even to develop some ability to predict the ups and downs in the banking sector. Prompt #2 In China, one’s family is the most influential factor in one’s individual growth and development. As far as I am concerned, my family is clearly the most important motivation behind my personal growth. However, when I immigrated to the United States of America, I discovered the amalgamative power of American culture. For instance, it would seem that an individual who is so close to his or her family might face a number of problems on his own in a different culture. In America, however, I did not feel any difficulties because it is a multicultural society. Larry L Naylor opined that â€Å"In fact, many Americans believe that culture does come from their families where they learned their family traditions and their heritage† (1). I was aware of the fact that I needed to let myself be absorbed into the core of the American society. To be specific, personal qualities like receptiveness and open-mindedness can be helpful for an individual to accept a different culture. As an open minded individual, I was able to gain a number of friends at the College. Besides, the multicultural atmosphere of the College campus helped me to be open-minded and receptive towards others who are from

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Earthquakes at Home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Earthquakes at Home - Essay Example There are also some degrees of distribution in the mid-South region, but the principal areas of high risk, which show up red on the map, tend to be located in the equivalent of the states of California, Oregon, and Washington (Science, 2010). These areas also appear to extend into the nation of Mexico. #2 Where I live, in Erie, Pennsylvania, is gray on the map of earthquake risk, meaning it has a low risk (Science, 2010). It is not near any major fault lines, so it is relatively safe from earthquakes. There are occasionally small earthquakes around Erie, but they only extremely rarely get above 3 magnitude, cause any damage, or result in any injury or destruction. #3 The earthquakes around the world seem unevenly distributed according to the map of the last week’s earthquakes. The predominant amount of earthquakes have occurred in the Pacific Rim; many of these are in East Asia and Southeast Asia (Latest, 2010). This is not surprising to me, because these areas are known to have a high earthquake risk. I have heard a lot about very bad earthquakes happening in Japan and China. #5 I have visited some of the red areas on the map, including spots in California and Mexico. In California, the real estate where I was, is too expensive for me to consider living there. I also do not want to move to Mexico, because I don’t speak fluent Spanish. However, I would be willing to live in a red earthquake risk area, if I had enough income to do so in California or, if I learned Spanish and also had a better job and income, in Mexico. I would assume that especially in the US, architects would have earthquake proofed many buildings. I would be more hesitant in living in a red zone in some country with less advanced building standards. Generally, though, I am a risk taker as a person. I think that no one lives forever, and that none of us are

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Improving Correctional Facilities Diversion Programs Assignment

Improving Correctional Facilities Diversion Programs - Assignment Example Some of the significant budget constraints that Correction officials have to observe include in the areas of staff remuneration, infrastructural development, and operational costs. The facilities above have an extensive range of services for prisoners such as recovery academies, anger, and career management for women prison and Lois DeBerry providing comprehensive special needs care, and they demand huge staff. However, due to few resources available, officials in these facilities have had to deal with staff turnover leading to constraining service delivery. As established by Tennessee advisory committee, Sheriffs responding to survey confirmed that most of the Tennessee jails are underfunded (Thurman, Lippard, Gibson & Green, 2007). Additionally, officials have had to succumb to budgetary constraints in the infrastructural development. The significant rise of prisoners in the facilities necessitates that the governments allocate enough money to not only expand and build new faciliti es but to innovatively redesign the old jails to reduce supervision levels (Moore, n.d). However, though officials have indicated to the governments the need for such adjustments, the rise of criminal incarceration has worsened the crisis further. There are different types of diversions programs, but all are structured to benefit different offenders for they ascribe to different requirements. The objective of these diversion programs is to reduce crime by establishing the underlying factors that may have contributed to an individual’s criminal conduct (Camilletti, 2010). Therefore, since the objective of these programs is to eliminate the likely factors leading to crime in an individual, they are often better served via community restitution plan rather than criminal justice sanction process. Consequently, such programs are more beneficial to offenders charged with misdemeanours and non-violent  felonies than those charged with felonies and violent crimes. Such is perhaps due to the severity of the offenses committed by felonies and corresponding demand by the public to see swift justice done.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21

2 - Assignment Example The manner in which Kelleher believes employees should be addressed in an organization is in line with Lencioni’s quote. Lencioni connotes that when employees feel they are not being cared, they feel they have a miserable job. Employees need to be cared for and appreciated for them to perform in the workplace. As per Kelleher, employees should be valued as individuals and not as workers. An organization should set up employee services and professional care department so as to help them in the workplace. Research reveals that managers’ connection with employees gives them a better feeling of belonging and worth. Communication with employees is an aspect that Kelleher emphasizes in his management. This is an indication that he was a successful leader at Southwest. Lencioni also accentuates the same aspect, by suggesting that managers’ connection with employees help them grasp the precise significance of their jobs to others. The leadership style of Ms. Mayer is one can learn that she is an inspiring leader. Mayer invites the employees to facilitate the building of the organization’s brand. Mayer emphasizes on the employees interactions as a way of providing them with an opportunity to generate ideas. As a leader, Mayer believes in employees’ physical contacts and interaction in the workplace that is why when appointed as the new Yahoo CEO, reporting to the office was of paramount significance to her. The rationale for using the books â€Å"The Three Signs of a Miserable job† and â€Å"The Influencer†, it that it helps in the understanding of the job dissatisfaction and its root causes. The books are also relevant in the sense that it identifies how leaders can aid their employees become satisfied with the job through communication and understanding of the importance of their job. From the books, a leader can learn the significance of communication with its employees. The

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Obesity in Children Essay Example for Free

Obesity in Children Essay What parents allow their children to eat can affect their bodies and their life. Most children don’t realize the effects of long term illnesses such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart condition and high blood pressure. Taxing unhealthful foods and beverages could prove an important strategy to overconsumption and potentially aid in weight loss and reduced rates of diabetes among children and adults. Junk food should be taxed because it will reduce obesity, type 2 diabetes, and health care costs. First of all, taxing junk food will lower obesity among Americans. The increase in both soda and pizza found that many Americans would still buy junk food regardless of a price increase. Taxing of sugary beverages at a penny-per-ounce rate with the goal of decreasing consumption of obesity caused in drinks. The junk food tax would fund obesity related health initiatives such as diabetes care. Obesity has been acknowledged as a national problem, notion of taxing junk food doesn’t seem so bad. Secondly, Americans need to take better control over what they eat and what they feed their children. We must take a stand against obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease in children and young adults. Most fast foods contain process meats and considered unhealthy in children. Americans don’t have an ideal what they are eating in fast food restaurants. How the government determined what foods should be served in schools. A couple of school systems such as Texas and California had a great idea to remove soft drinks, pop, soda, energy drinks and cola from the schools lunch rooms along with fast foods such as burgers, French fries, hot ogs and convenience stores, too fight the obesity epidemic among the United States and children. Replace drinks with orange juice, and water. Replace fast foods with fresh fruits, vegetables, salads and exercise. Obesity in the United States has risen from 48 percent to 65 percent within the last thirty years and so has health care which has sky racket. We need to be more proactive in saving our children by eating healthier f oods in the home and school. Schools need to change the vending machines to reflect eating healthy will help the body to become healthier. The school environment, nutrition, organizational support groups, school policies that take away things such as sweetened beverages, and replace them with water, juice, fruit, vegetables and less junk food. Availability of less healthful food and beverages in schools is worldwide. Despite changes in improving school food environment, availability of high fat food such things as pizza and hamburgers remain high in United States schools. Canadian elementary schools seem to have fewer vending machines, but less healthful food and beverages are available to all grades as they are made available through outlets such as cafeteria, school stores. It is said that schools may influence students into eating unhealthy by the lunches they provide and the vending machines that are in schools. Lastly, fast foods are not good because they have no nutrition value, most children that consume fast foods on a daily basic start to gain weight due to lack of exercise. Children watch more TV and play more video games than exercising. Less exercise in schools, have also been a major factor contributing to obesity in children. Fast foods make children tired, the more you eat the less energy you have. When you walk into a store whether it’s a large grocery store or a small convenience store the lack of fruits and vegetables are small. Most children and adults are unaware that they have high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Most children who suffer from obesity also have a high rate of asthma. It would be a good idea if governments would rate schools on lunches they are providing to students. The school should prohibit advertising of fast foods, sweets and pop, prohibit use of less healthful foods , provide advertising that deals with eating healthy and healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, seek educational requirements for school food and include requirements for nutrition education. Include exercise in the diet each day that way children won’t feel tried after eating lunch. They will burn off fast and their bodies will feel better and become better in the long run. We need our children to be healthy. We need to avoid sickness, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Americans need to limit the intake of fast foods and start looking at healthy choices for themselves and their children. Medical bills have sky racket. If we plan to keep our generation of children around we better start looking at better ways of eating and providing nutrient in our everyday diet. Most people have cars, less people walk, ride bikes, or exercise. We have become lazy when it comes to exercise and eating healthy. Look at your children and ask yourself, do I want my child to continue looking like this, obese, sick and unhealthy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Critical Thinking Reflection Essay Example for Free

Critical Thinking Reflection Essay Select one of the following questions and answer it in 200 to 300 words using the principles of critical thinking you learned in this course. How can we reduce poverty in the United States?  Will receiving a college degree improve your career opportunities? Has the United States peaked as a world power? Will receiving a college degree improve your career opportunities? Once I choice this question immediately my enculturation barrier surfaced, because as soon as I read the question I said to myself well yes it does, and I believe I said that to myself because that what we have all been taught by our parents, teachers, and media, so that’s what I know to be true. After realizing that I allowed my barrier to surface I stopped and started to ask myself questions that might help me figure out what the answer really is on my own. I asked myself things like, where is there proof of this? Are there facts that will support what I currently believe? After going through the series of question in my head I started doing some research. After I completed my research I found information that did support my original thought, but there was also information that I found to be informative but didn’t really go with my thought process. I found things like, â€Å"College grads also tend to make more, which many view as a benefit. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, over a lifetime of work, the typical college graduate earns $650,000 more than the typical high school graduate. (The study also found that college graduates have more stable employment.† (â€Å"Finding the Value in a College Degree,† 2014, para.). Which shows that having a college degree can benefit you. The other information I found that was informative was that â€Å"A college degree doesnt guarantee high earnings. This benefit will depend on your intended major and school.† (â€Å"Finding the Value in a College Degree,† 2014, para.). This tells me that just because someone has a degree it doesn’t mean that they will make more money, they have to have a degree that applies to that job. After asking myself questions and doing some research I am going to say that having a college degree will improve career opportunities. Citation Finding the Value in a College Degree. (2014, September). The Student Loan  Ranger, (), . Retrieved from http://www.usnews.com/education/blogs/student-loan-ranger/2012/09/12/finding-the-value-in-a-college-degree Write, once you have answered the above question, a reflection of the process of critical thinking you used in forming your response. Include the following in your reflection: How does the process of critical thinking you used relate to or differ from the process you used to find content for your answer? How can you use critical thinking in other areas? What steps can you take to ensure that you continue to use critical thinking in the future? Reflection The process of critical thinking that I used to answer my question relates because in critical thinking you have to be willing to think differently and not just go with what you think you already know. You also have to ask yourself question and be able to understand the answers. I believe that I can use critical thinking in other areas by making sure that I am always open minded and be willing to listen and learn form others. The steps that I can take to ensure that I continue to use critical thinking in the future are to be able to acknowledge when I’m letting barriers get in the way, and make sure that I try to avoid them in the future. Other steps that I can take are to make sure that I question almost everything, don’t always go with what someone wants me to believe. I will always ask questions and try my hardest to make sure that I understand the answer. I will also continue practicing and learning about critical thinking as much as a can so I can strive to become an advanced critical thinker.

Socio-Economic Status Impact on Health Care Access in NZ

Socio-Economic Status Impact on Health Care Access in NZ This review aims to analyse the effect of several key factors such as socio-economic status in connection with health care access of people. The literature study of this topic is important to us as health care providers in order to promote the rights and equality among Maori and non-Maori clients. Factors such as education, employment status, and housing may greatly affect one’s health. Like for instance, if a home is located in a community where health care facilities are immediate, then, services can be easily accessible to the public. However, if a person lives in a remote community where access to hospitals are limited, it will of course be difficult for him to manage certain illnesses and emergency cases since doctors and nurses are far from the place. Some people may also feel lazy to pay visits to clinics for some check-ups if it will be far from their homes. Poor quality houses may also cause deterioration of one’s health if it is not properly insulated as exposure to extreme cold climate may be a precursor for illnesses such as flu and fever. Mold build-ups in low quality shelters is also a risk factor in diseases. Pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses commonly affect indviduals, particularly young children, in poorly insulated and moldy homes in New Zealand. For this reason, th e New Zealand government is taking its actions to prevent health deterioration affected by housing. According to a report, Housing new Zealand(2013) is responsible for providing warm, dry homes for people in need, and ensuring those homes are the right size and where we need them[1] (Housing New Zealand, 2013). Education plays an important role in using nursing services. A person can receive efficient nursing services from a health care provider if he is equipped with adequate knowledge of his or her rights and responsibilities. A certain client can be proactive with his treatment routine because he knows he has the right to decline or suggest any alternative medications which may be beneficial for him. Say for example, if he wishes to consume any medicinal herbs as a substitute or supplement, then he may do suggest it to his physician for approval. Employment status can also be associated with nursing services in terms of economic state. Salaries of em ployees affect their access to services because of affordability. Workers with higher salaries tend to have more funds for their health check-ups and medications than those who are within the minimum wages. But still, the government subsidised hospitalisations and medication for New Zealand citizens and residents. Victims of road accidents are also given with free medical assistance and hospitalisation as well. According to Pollock, Under the Social Security Act 1938, public hospitals became free in 1939 and prescription medicines in 1941. [2] (Pollock, K., 2013) The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)states that: Everyone in New Zealand is eligible for comprehensive injury cover: no matter what you’re doing or where you are when you’re injured – driving, playing sport, at home, at work no matter how the injury happened, even if you did something yourself to contribute to it no matter what age you are or whether you’re working – you might be retired, a child, on a benefit or studying. What injuries am I covered for? Wounds, lacerations, sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations and work-related injuries such as hearing loss may all be covered. Most physical injuries are covered if they’re caused by: an accident a condition that comes on gradually because of your work (gradual process) medical treatment sexual assault or abuse.[3] (The Accident Compensation Corporation, 2014). However, there are some considerations that must be taken prior to approval of these benefits. That is,the ACC must be satisfied with the present conditions of the clients taking their claims. An accident victim must be physically injured, obtained mental injury as a result of physical injury. Injuries related to work or any traumatic accidents, damages of prosthesis, and death because of the accident. There is a specific definition of ‘injury’ in the Accident Compensation (AC) Act 2001, which is the law that ACC must apply when considering applications for claims and assistance. Gender is also an element that affects health because generally, women are the ones who bear children and this situation puts their lives at risk. Cook stated that before European contact to New Zealand, â€Å"Rates of maternal mortality in 19th- and early 20th-century MÄ ori communities are unknown, as the first figures were not collected until 1920. In that year nearly 23 MÄ ori women died for every 1,000 live births. (The rate amongstPÄ kehÄ women was 6.5 per 1,000 live births.) This figure, high as it is, was probably an underestimate: MÄ ori deaths were not reliably reported until after the Second World War. MÄ ori women’s access to medical help was limited by a number of factors: the loss oftohungaand traditional medical knowledge through population decline the scarcity of hospitals and doctors in the rural areas where most MÄ ori lived the refusal of some hospitals to admit MÄ ori the reluctance of some doctors to treat MÄ ori MÄ ori women’s reluctance to be examined by male doctors (almost invariably PÄ kehÄ ).†[4] ( Cook, M.,2012). Women also play a big role in the health care industry. Most health care providers and nurses are female as more women prefer such job roles than males. According to The Nursing Council of New Zealand, â€Å"The nursing workforce is overwhelmingly female, with only 7.4% of nurses being male (essentially unchanged from 2010 report figures of 7.2%). The male workforce is younger than the female workforce, with 38% aged under 40 compared with 31% of female nurses. The average age of the nursing workforce is 45.6, with the average age of male nurses being 43.4 and the average age of female nurses being 45.7.†[5] (The Nursing Council of New Zealand, 2011). One’s social status is relevant in the promotion of well-being. That is, if a person has a good standing in the community where he or she dwells, there is a higher chance of self-esteem and optimum mental health may be achieved at this point. It is because how a person feels from the inside radiates towards his personality and how he reacts with people around him. A good social status may also result from a decent employment status. In addition, a supportive community can also promote each other’s well-being. Those who are socially isolated are at higher risk of health deterioration because of lack of social support from the neighbourhood. For example, people with disabilities may cope better in a disable friendly places, such as presence of handrails and ramps, which are supported by the government and its people. A good relationship with the community and family also creates a friendly atmosphere and happiness in each other. These positive vibes are also key factors i n promoting healthy individuals. As what Griffiths mentioned, â€Å"People with strong family, cultural and community ties have better health than people who are socially isolated. Social cohesion or ‘connectedness’ is related to the health of individuals and communities. Single parent families, people with mental illness, people with disabilities, people living alone and older people are particularly vulnerable to social isolation. There are generally high levels of access to telephones and motor vehicles in New Zealand but access for some groups is poor. Features of New Zealand society that may tend to reduce social connectedness are unemployment, frequent change of residence (high mobility), and an increase in single parent and one person households over the past decade.†[6] ( Griffiths, 1998) Summing it up, good communication is a relavant factor in health improvemnt because interaction with other people limits the bounadries, and creates a channel to divert any confusions or uncertainties in life. In adddttion, reaching out benefits everyone especially in times of needs and other unexpected life circumstances. This concept is similar to the saying that â€Å"No man is an island.† or â€Å"No man can live alone by himself.† Maori people’s access to health care is different from that of non-Maoris. This is because of several factors such as inaccessibility to health care facilities of the indigineous native people. Cultural safety is also an element because some individuals may prefer utilizing the tradional way of treating illnesses rather than seeing a general physician for consultation. And in line with this idea, it will be difficult to contest them in their beliefs because doing so will result to violation their right to self-determination or them beig in-charge of their own well-being. Non-Maoris, on the other hand, are well accustomed to modern lifestyle as compared with Maori group. This is the reason why more non-Maori people regularly pay visit to clinics and other health care facilities if they have some concerns regarding their health issues. Moreover, non-Maori, especially the Kiwi people are the ones who introduced the modern health care system in New Zealand. So, most likely, they a re the ones who will patronize more that particular type of system. The legitimacy of differences in culture and respect for the rights of others can be materialized or be actualized in the priniciple of Tino rangatiratanga. As mentioned before, the principle of Tino rangatiratanga focuses on a Maori’s right to self-determination. It means that despite the introduction of new government and health care delivery system in New Zealand, these indigenous people can still have the right to choose their preference especially in health care, and whatever culture or values they possess or believe in to can still be preserved. In this context, equality among each individal can be evident. Power relationship can be defined as ann unequal quality of relationship between a client and a health care provider. This is comprised of a higher authority, or the health care provider who is much superior to the client. This is due to the fact that health care professionals tend to possess more knowledge than his or her client in the sense of giving care or treatment. However, instances that there may be biases in this scenario if a client is submissive to whatever the health care professional tells him. Like if the client is not given the privilege to speak out what is on his mind and the choices or preferences he or she wishes to have. In my belief, imbalances in health care relationships can be resolved if proper education is provided to every individual especially to Maori people. Since they have diverse cultural beliefs and that is, very different from the modern approach, it is very important to orient them properly prior to imposing new treatments and medical interventions to them. An equitable, efficient and efffective health service delivery can be achieved as well if every health care professional can be compassionate and understading of each client’s needs and cultur. One must always keep in mind that health services is not just about the physical aspect, but, rather, it must be hollistically done. Emotional and cultural aspects must be identified and given importance as well. To summarize this review, there is still some inequalities in health service with Maori and non-Maori people as evident in several readings published. As members of one community, it is important that each must take part in improving this issue in the society. Especially as part of the health care team, it is my responsiblity to materialize whatever learnings I gained in reviewing this literature. Through this task, I was also able to identify the markers that affects the well-being and access of every individual to health care. And the knowledge of these factors can help us in our roles in the community. Yet, despite of the issues present, it is still evident that New Zealand is indeed one of the coutries to have ann excellent health care system in the world because it took an effort to provide subsidy for medical and hospitalistion for its citizens. [1] Housing New Zealand. (2013). 2012-2013 Annual Report (Focused. Homes for people, reshaping our houses). Wellington. Retrieved from http://www.hnzc.co.nz/our-publications/annual-report/2012-13-annual-report/annual-report-2012-13 [2] Pollock, K. (2013) Health and society Health services, Te Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Retrieved from http://www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/health-and-society/page-4 [3] The Accident Compensation Corporation. (2014). Am I covered?. Retrieved from http://www.acc.co.nz/making-a-claim/am-i-covered/index.htm [4] Cook, M. (2012). Women’s health MÄ ori women’s health, pre-colonial times to 1940s. Te Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Retrieved from http://www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/womens-health/page-2 [5] The Nursing Council of New Zealand. (2011). The New Zealand Nursing Workforce. Retrieved from http://www.nursingcouncil.org.nz [6] National Health Committee. (1998). The Social, Cultural and Economic Determinants of Health in New Zealand: Action to Improve Health (A Report from the National Advisory Committee on Health and Disability). Wellington: Griffiths, G. Retrieved from http://nhc.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/det-health.pdf

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Developmental Psychology Essay -- Papers

Developmental Psychology Attachments in Developments =========================== Developmental psychology is concerned with how our cognitions, emotions and behaviour change as we grow with age and experience. Babies, only a few months old develop close bonds called attachment bonds with some people in particular. These people are able to settle the child, if upset, more easily than others and the baby will become upset if separated from the attachment object for too long. There has been a big debate in psychology over the precise role the mother figure takes in child development generally and especially the emotional development. Topic 4 - The Development and Variety of Attachments ==================================================== Attachments are emotional bonds that are formed with people very close to us. For babies and young people these attachments are formed with the people who look after them, usually their parents that prove very important to them. As we grow up our attachment objects usually change and may include boyfriends and girlfriends. The development of attachments ------------------------------ When you have become attached to somebody it means that you have formed a special bond with that person and them with you. These "attachment bonds" are very important to us but more so at an infant age with the loss of attachments having a negative effect on an individual. Maurer and Maurer said that attachments are welded in the heat of interactions, which shows that attachments depend on the interaction between two people rather than simply just being together. Maccoby identified four ... ...owed signs of behavioural instability e.g. shaking were less likely to become securely attached to their mother. Cross-Cultural Variations in Secure and Insecure Attachments In the same way that there are differences in attachment behaviour between individuals there is also differences in from one culture to another. Secure attachment is important in all cultures and the concept of an internal working model being universal has become a widely accepted view. Researchers in many different countries have used the Strange Situation to investigate secure and insecure attachment. There is considerable consistency in the results across cultures that show there is a relationship between mother - infant interaction and secure attachment. This suggests that there is a biological or genetic basis for attachment formation.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Farce of the American Dream in Hawkes’ Original Film, Scarface :: Movie Film Essays

The Farce of the American Dream in Hawkes’ Original Film, Scarface In film, many times the auteur often uses the medium to convey a moral or make a social commentary. In the case of Howard Hawkes’s original version of Scarface, there is more being portrayed through the characters then merely the story. Hawkes makes a statement about the faà §ade of organized crime, and the farce of the American Dream. Organized crime has developed a stigma regarding its power and influence, especially during its hay day in the 1930’s. The mob has always been viewed as a powerful â€Å"family-like† organization. In Scarface, Hawkes brings the mafia into a seemingly more realistic light. By overturning Lovo’s position of power, Tony represents the idea of â€Å"every man for himself,† within a supposed organized group. The viewer steps into a cut-throat world of power hungry men, all trying to get rich quick. In this world, Hawkes asks, how can you organize men towards any goal if they all seek personal gain? One might say that they are attempting to cheat the American Dream. â€Å"The World is Yours,† symbolizes the true nature of the American Dream. The idea that you could come to a free world with nothing, and build yourself up, is the essence of what Tony and his gang are driving towards. However, at the climax of the film, the spectator perceives Tony to have everything he claimed he wanted throughout the film. He obtains power, wealth and privilege, yet he is invariably alone. Perhaps, Hawkes in commenting on the disappointment that this country was for many immigrants who heard tales of a place with endless possibilities for their family. However, when they arrived, found the endless hours of labor only took them further away from what was most important: the family.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Doctrine of the Indefinite Terms in the Ancient Commentators of Aristotle :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

The Doctrine of the Indefinite Terms in the Ancient Commentators of Aristotle ABSTRACT: The ancient commentaries on Aristotle's Peri Hermeneias (De Interpretatione) give us important elements to understand more clearly some difficult passages of this treatise. In the case of the indefinite names and verbs (i.e. 'not-man', and 'does not recover', respectively), these commentaries reveal a doctrine which explains not only the nature of the indefinites, but also why Aristotle introduces these kinds of term in Peri Hermeneias. The coherence and explanatory capacity of this doctrine is entirely absent in modern exegesis of Peri Hermeneias. This fact has important implications: it can make us to think whether there will be another topics in which the ancient commentators are still indispensable to understand Aristotle. It can also make us to think to what extent a profounder reflection of the ancient commentators can modify our idea of Aristotle and the ancient world. I. The labour of translation of and comment on the ancient interpreters of Aristotle, which in our days have been edited by Professor R. Sorabji,(1) has put modern readers in contact with new dimensions of Aristotle's thought. In these ancient commentaries, many of the traditional and well-known doctrines of Aristotle find not only theoretical basis, but also a number of obscure and condensed texts reach an important and valuable elucidation and explanation. The subject-matter that I would like to discuss today is a sample of how these commentators can still contribute to understand Aristotle. I would like to warn, however, that the theme of the indefinite terms is especially illustrative of what I indicate, for the modern comments on this topic have been made without a profounder consideration of the ancient teaching. In my opinion, however, a more reliable and complete explanation about this difficult subject is to be found in the analysis of the ancient view. II. The commentaries of Boethius(2) and Ammonius son of Hermeias(3) contain in a slightly different manner the ancient doctrine of indefinite names and verbs. They explain some questions whose answers are not evident in Aristotle's Peri Hermeneias (= PeriH.):(4) namely, (i) why does Aristotle introduce indefinite names and verbs after defining name and verb? I.e. Why does Aristotle consider adequate to define expressions like 'not-man', 'does not recover', etc., once he has defined 'man' and 'recovers' as name and verb respectively? Even more, (ii) why does Aristotle in Chapter 10 of PeriH. leave indefinite verbs aside and introduces only indefinite names in simple (= categorical) propositions?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Stuff Happens by David Hare

Stuff Happens is a play by David Hare, written in response to the Iraq war during the Bush administration. It talks about the events that led to the war on Iraq in 2003, which spans from George Bush’s election in 2000 up till his stepping down from office in 2008. The title is inspired by Donald Rumsfeld’s response to journalists about the looting happening in Baghdad where he replied â€Å"Stuff Happens†. The writer already states in the authors note that it is â€Å"knowingly true† but he had to use his imagination in parts that were not covered especially when the politicians were behind closed doors. The Bush war cabinet, which is made up of Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Colin Powell, George Tenet, Dick Cheney mad Donald Rumsfeld is made of fantasists who want to attack Iraq except Colin Powell who is a stern realist. When there is a showdown with Bush Powell puts the point, which comes to no avail that war should be seen as a last resort were diplomacy has not worked. Here he points out the hypocrisy of Americans where he asks, â€Å"people keep asking of Saddam†, â€Å"how do we know he’s got weapons of mass destruction? How do we know? Because we’ve still got the receipts. † Here in this particular scene Powell speaks his mind to the president where he points out hypocrisy by saying that they used to trade with Saddam not long ago and now they want to go to war with him. Also an example of power of leadership is shown but in a very indirect way when Bush summons Powell to the Oval office. Here Bush asks for Powell’s permission to go to war and then Powell replies he does not disagree with the idea but after he leaves he says he didn’t need Powell’s permission. This shows that no matter the situation and even if Powell had said no the president had already made his decision. It seems in way that Bush is sometimes abusing his power to gain the upper hand of people and not a lot of people would disagree with the President of the United States of America. As for political maneuvering, this is shown as Rumsfeld telling the press indirectly that they don’t need the British and there is also a bit of deception, as he has no sense of regret in his words. Finally a very strong point of society’s perception of the events is given by an Iraqi exile at the end of the book. The Iraqi even admits to hating Saddam Hussein by saying â€Å"I even longed for the fall of the dictator†, but the comment that Donald Rumsfeld totally changed his perception of things. He shows this by bringing up the way the Americans who died are counted and given an honorary ceremony but the Iraqi’s are unaccounted for. This shows how the war was totally unfair and that they considered the Iraqis not to be human. The Iraqi exile then solidifies everything by the last words he says where people say to him, â€Å"look tell America†, and he replies by saying â€Å"you are putting your faith in the wrong person. Don’t expect America or anybody will do it for you. If you don’t do it yourself, this is what you get. † What this is saying is that even if people think America is like the world body they should expect that America could turn their backs on them anytime and that if you put your faith in them you will be disappointed.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Australian Aboriginal Art Essay

Australian Aboriginal art, song and dance has been the corner stone of culture since the beginning of their existence. Having no form of written language Aboriginal art, songs, and dances passed down through the generations have been the heartbeat that has kept this ancient culture alive. Even though the art, medium, song, and dance of each Aboriginal tribe may be completely different, they all serve the same purposes; create ceremony, and to inform each member of the tribe of their history, spiritual beliefs, values, and expectations for cultural norm and behaviour. It is not until recently that Aboriginal art has stopped depicting Dreaming stories and has begun to be used for other purposes, such as self expression and emotion release (Pizzi, 13). However as the customary Aboriginal ways of life have been continually interrupted and battered, the personal identity of Aboriginal people and their culture has deteriorated and is in great danger of dying out completely. For tens of thousands of years Aboriginals have created art on rocks, tree bark, the ground and their bodies, with dyes, paints, seeds, plants, sand, and ochres. It is these art works which create a visual language expressing the legends, morals, and history specific to each Aboriginal tribe (Kreczmansk and Stanislawska-Birnberg, 3). Each painting or drawing contains symbols and colours which represent a part of a Dreaming story. Generally the symbols similar to what they are representing, but can come to mean different things at different times, such as a spiral could represent a waterhole, campsite, breast, or fire depending on the context. Aboriginal art is an integral physical manifestation of their culture and cultural continuity is reflected in all forms; such as painting, drawing, ceremonies, song, dance, jewellery, and head masks (Barrington, April 12). On page one of ‘The Tjulkurra’, Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri, Janusz B. Kreczmanski and Margo Stanislawska-Birnberg write, â€Å"there is one kind of traditional painting which has not changed for thousands of years in its form and subject matter: the art of the Australian Aborigines. † The Aboriginal Dreaming stories are central to culture and each aspect of the Dreaming wheel is connected, and without one of the parts the wheel the rest does not make sense. These stories dictate every aspect of life and behaviour from where you can walk to how the Earth was created. These Dreaming stories are the blue prints to Aboriginal life, and it is through art, song, and dance that they survive. Each art drawing, painting, dance refers to a piece of information which the viewer gains upon looking at it, every song steers the listeners towards proper social behaviour or indicates where in society one falls (Morphy, 30). Some rituals, drawing and painting mediums and depictions, songs, and dances are gender or age discriminate, further structuring societal responsibilities and purposes (Mayrah, April 20). These Aboriginal art forms are the vehicles that pass meaning, purpose, history, and cultural from one generation to the next. Over the years Aboriginal way of life has been completely disrupted, abused, and deliberate attempts have been made to be erased. Since colonization Aboriginal people have been continually displaced from their lands, which they had lived on for over 40,000 years, and have had to watch as their sacred sites are cut down, mined, and destroyed. With this the materials used in Aboriginal art are destroyed, but more importantly there is a cultural disconnection as the elders are unable to teach the new generation the ways of their people and land. For example, when a tribe from the desert is suddenly moved to a coast their traditional sand art becomes impossible to create and the ceremonial act of passing that knowledge down to new generations cannot occur. So that art form is lost forever and the relationship between elders and the new generation breaks down. Or if a Dreaming story is based upon the lake which a tribe lives next to, and the tribe is moved away from this lake the new generations to come will not understand the story, or feel a connection with the land which was given to them by the Creation Beings. By taking away the tools the Aboriginals have always used to create their art and ceremonies their whole structure of culture is splintered. Tourism and the intrusions of western culture on Aboriginal land have weakened and belittled the art of the Aboriginals and traditional art forms have vanished in many places (Edwards and Guerin, Foreword). Furthermore, as â€Å"The Land My Mother, Walya NGamardiki† video the class watched on March 18th explains, the Aboriginals believe that they belong to the land, and if the land is destroyed then they too are being destroyed. In Aboriginal culture each person and family is born and connected to a Totem, or Spirit Being, and it is that person’s responsibility to protect their Totem; they are thought to be so connected that if one was to eat their Spirit Being it would be considered cannibalism. If a person’s Totem is killed then it is that person’s responsibility to carry out the mortuary rites for the being. When an Aboriginal dies they believe that their spirits go into the sites from which they came, but by destroying these sanctified sites the spirits have no where to return (Mayrah, April 20). â€Å"For Indigenous Australians†¦country is the subject of artistic representation, ritual enactment, totemism and the sympathetic magic that assists the group to ensure itself in the quest for survival† (Zimmer, 20). A disconnection between an Aboriginal person and his land is more than an unjust inconvenience; it is a cultural, emotional and spiritual murder worse than physical death. The Aboriginals currently make up only two percent of the Australian population, and their art, songs, and dances have been lost to the new generations. The ceremonies, art, dance, and song that had always guided, moralized, and given a voice to the Aboriginal youth has been made unnecessary, unfeasible, or irrelevant over time. These youths are now connecting with the anger, violence and messages of resentment of the contemporary black American culture. Instead of singing the songs and dancing the dances of their ancestors many young Aboriginals are rapping and grinding. (Dean, April 8). Many Aboriginals, old and young, feel no real tribal identity or language, no connection with Dreaming, and are left confused by who they are in the middle of two conflicting cultures (Bourke, 133). Without their art, song, and dance the Aboriginal culture has no history, meaning, future, or heartbeat. It is imperative to the future of Aboriginal tribes that they reconnect with the wisdom and ceremony of their ancestor’s art, song, and dance, while continuing to gain the tools to function in today’s westernized Australian culture. Bibliography Barrington, Robin. â€Å"Indigenous Australian Aboriginal Art. † Presentation, Introduction to Indigenous Australia tutorial, Curtin University of Technology, Bentley campus. April 12, 2010. Bourke, Eleanor. â€Å"On Being Aboriginal. † In Identifying Australia in Postmodern Times. Melbourne: Bibliotech, Australian National University, 1994. â€Å"Ways of Working: Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Modules. † Workshop, Centre for Aboriginal Studies at Curtin University of Technology, Bentley campus. April 8, 2010. Edwards, Robert and Bruce Guern. Aboriginal Bark Paintings. Canberra: Rigby, 1970. Kreczmanski, Janusz B. , and Margo Stanislawska-Birnberg. The Tjulkurra: Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri. Marleston: Jb Books, 2002. 1-7. Mayrah, Yarraga. â€Å"Aboriginal Culture. â€Å" Indigenous Australia – Aboriginal Art, History and Culture. http://www.indigenousaustralia. info (accessed April 20, 2010). McGregor, Ken and Jenny Zimmer. Bill Whiskey Tajapaltjarri. Victoria: Macmillian Art Publishing, 2009. 15-23. Morphy, Howard. Ancestral Connections: Art and an Aboriginal System of Knowledge. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 1991. Pizzi, Gabrielee. Voices of The Earth: Paintings, Photography, and Sculpture from Aboriginal Australia. Melbourne: A private collection. 7-16. ‘The Land My Mother’ or ‘Walya NGamardiki. ’ Movie, Introduction to Indigenous Australia tutorial, Curtin University of Technology, Bentley campus. March 8th, 2010.

Lord of the Flies and Psychology Essay

William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, narrates the story of a group of English boys as they struggle to survive on an uncharted, uninhabited island. The boy’s airplane crashes into the island and kills any adults on board — leaving the boys to fend for themselves. Ralph and Piggy meet each other first and, upon Piggy’s counsel, Ralph decides to call a meeting of all the boys by blowing on a conch shell. The boys quickly begin to form a society in which they elect Ralph as their leader. A boy called Jack quietly disagrees and believes that he should lead the group. As times passes, Jack and his choir become hunters for the rest of the boys and they begin to enjoy the ways of a predator. As Jack grows more savage, he becomes unhappy with the way that Ralph leads the boys and decides that he will go to the other side of the island and start his own tribe. Boys slowly begin to leave Ralph to join Jack. The boys become so savage that they kill two boys and they plan to kill Ralph. Just as Jack has cornered Ralph, a naval officer appears and rescues them all. Golding depicts not only the struggle of the boys to survive, but also the psychological reasoning that leads the boys to abandon the civilized nature that they know. Through characterization and setting Golding creates in his novel, an ideal forum for validating psychological principles introduced by Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Jung. Sigmund Freud was a psychologist who pioneered the thought that the mind contains three different levels, the id, the ego, and the superego. The id bases itself on the pleasure principle; it meets basic needs. The id wants a quick satiation of needs and has no consideration for the reality of a situation. The ego bases itself on the reality principle, it understands that other people have needs and desires and that impulsiveness or selfishness can cause harm in the future. The ego meets the needs of the id, while taking the reality of the situation into consideration. The Superego develops due to the moral and ethical restraints placed on a child by influential adults in their lives. One could compare the superego to the conscience, as it dictates belief of right and wrong. Golding acknowledges these different states of consciousness within his novel by using characters to represent each one. For instance, Jack represents the id. Jack never takes into consideration the best thing for the group or himself in the long run and he holds himself accountable to no set of rules or any code of ethics. â€Å"Bollocks to the rules! We’re strong – we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat and beat† (91). Jack addresses the issue of a beast believed to inhabit the island by filling his thirst for violence and neglecting to take into consideration that confronting a beast will most likely lead to danger. Jack’s reasoning involves selfish motives; he wants to get rid of the beast, he wants to kill, he does not care that he has potentially placed the others in a dangerous situation, nor does he realize the ludicrousness of the beast, Jack has neglected reality entirely. Piggy represents the ego. He constantly tries to reason with the other boys, when he and Ralph first meet, Piggy understands that the other boys also landed on the island and someone needs to find and help them. â€Å"We got to find the others. We got to do something† (14). Piggy also realizes that the boys will most likely stay on the island for a while before someone rescues them — if someone ever rescues them at all. Piggy understands the boys while staying in touch with reality and he knows that if he does not find the smaller boys and take care of them, they will die. Piggy comprehends the seriousness of their predicament and realizes what it will take to keep everyone in order and alive. Simon represents the superego because he adheres to the principles instilled in him by society and civilization. After Jack has killed a pig for the first time, he and his clan approach while chanting, Piggy whimpers and â€Å"Simon hushed him quickly as though he had spoken too loudly in church† (69). Simon’s conscience keeps Piggy in line even when dealing with savage Jack. Towards the end of the novel, the other boys savagely murder Simon; when the boys kill Simon they also kill their conscience, they kill the rules and implications set upon them in order to keep society civilized and from this point until the boys get rescued their savage nature completely takes over and nothing holds them back any longer. Alfred Adler believed that personality difficulties are rooted in a feeling of inferiority. He also believed that people focus on maintaining control over their lives. Golding shows these ideas in his novel. Piggy, Ralph, and Jack all have issues with inferiority and control, in some way each of them feels inferior and each them strives for control. The other boys consider Piggy substandard to them because physically he is not their equal, Piggy realizes that the other boys perceive him this way and tries to make up for it with his intellect and emphasis on the rules, which leads into Piggy’s control issue he tries to use control to counter act the feeling of being out-classed. Jack always strives for superiority, from the very beginning Jack feels that he should be chief instead of Ralph. Jack crumbles underneath his need to become more superior than Ralph and decides to takes control of his situation and forms his own tribe. Jack tries to control his life by getting his way and convincing other boys to get his way as well. Ralph fears inferiority, leadership thrusts itself upon Ralph but he holds his position in very high regard. As Ralph loses support from his tribe, he loses his superiority and he begins to lose faith in himself and become more nervous. Ralph does not like the loss of control in his tribe or in his life, the signal fire and getting the boys to help him make shelters was so important to him for this reason. Adler studied various types of people and he came to the conclusion that there are the four main types of people: The ruling type that tries to control others, the getting type that tends to go along with others ideas, the avoiding type that tries to isolate themselves to avoid defeat, the socially useful type that values having control over their lives and strive to do good things for the sake of society. Jack represents the ruling type with his demand that the boys do as he says â€Å"‘go on’ the two savages looked at each other, raised their spears together and spoke in time. ‘The chief has spoken’ â€Å"(141). Jack thrives off of ruling and absolute power. Sam and Eric fit into the category of the getting type, they tend to go along with and do what others tell them to do. Whenever Ralph is their chief they listen to him and go along with what he says, and then when Jack captures them and takes them to his tribe they adhere to his code and do what he says. Sam and Eric follow — they do not contribute to creative thought but they willingly take part in its aftermath. Simon represents the avoiding type, he largely keeps to himself, and he goes and finds a secret place where he can sit alone in the quiet with his thoughts. Ralph represents the socially useful type, he likes to have control of the boys but, unlike Jack he wants them to do things for the betterment of the group. Adler’s ideas come to life in Golding’s Lord of the Flies. Psychologist Carl Jung believed that symbol creation was a key in understanding human nature. Symbols express something essentially unknown in the best way possible. The boys in Lord of the Flies create a symbol for their fear, at times the boys feel afraid and they cannot exactly express why. The boys create the symbol of the beast because they cannot touch or see their fear and so they imagine a beast that they could touch and see. Whenever Simon recognizes that the thing to fear lies within the boys he also creates a symbol, the Lord of the flies. Jung also believed that the introvert and the extrovert make up the main components of personality. The introvert, like Simon, tends to keep to themselves, and find more interest in ideas than in people. â€Å"Simon paused. He looked over his shoulder as jack had done at the close ways behind him and glanced quickly around to confirm that he was utterly alone† (56). The extrovert however, is outgoing and socially oriented. Both Jack and Piggy fit the description of extroverts because, they both freely express their ideas and long for others to hear and admire them. According to Jung a person that has a healthy personality can realize these opposite tendencies and can express each. Ralph most closely adheres to Jung’s theory about healthy personality. Ralph has a need for socialization but, he also knows when he needs time for reflection and thought, many times Ralph wishes that he had time to gather his thoughts before he had to go and present them in front of the rest of the tribe. When reading Lord of the Flies some readers may miss the latent meaning and only focus on the manifest. Readers who do not take in deeper psychological nature of the novel would attribute the boy’s different reaction to the island, to differences in personality and background instead of the boys taking on the image of the different levels of consciousness. This reader might think that they could not keep order simply because they are just young boys when their real motives were their subconscious need for superiority. The entire novel deals with the psychological principles set forth by Freud, Adler, and Jung; it could be considered a case study that verifies the very things that these psychologists believed.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Mayon: the Origin Essay

Her unsullied splendor cannot be denied. The sight of her can take one’s breath away. She is simply radiant as she stands tall and grand in the horizon. She is truly a one of a kind beauty that captivates anyone who pays her a visit. You have to be visually challenged to miss her brilliance. When she sleeps, she’s as gentle as a baby but when she stirs, she could easily strike horror among the hearts of men. She is loved for her beauty and tranquillity and spurned for her sometimes deadly and devastating aspect. This beauty is none other but the majestic Mt. Mayon which is located in the province of Albay in the Bicol region. It is known around the globe for its flawless cone shape. In some ways, she is like a shy maiden who likes to hide, using the clouds above her like a veil. Legendary Origin The legend of Mt. Mayon goes around the tragic love story of a beautiful young heroine named Daragang Magayon and a dauntless warrior. The legend has been narrated and passed on from generation to generation by the people of Albay. The legend has become a part of the lives of the people living in Daraga, Albay because Mt. Mayon plays an integral part in their beliefs, cultural practices and festivities. In fact, there’s an annual festival called Magayon Festival which is celebrated every month of May. The festival relives the legend of Mount Mayon. Different versions of the origin of the majestic Mayon Volcano have risen because of the oral tradition of telling stories and handing them down to the next line of descent. First version The legend is about the story of a beautiful lady named Daragang Magayon who lives in Kabikolan before the separation of the Philippines to mainland Asia. At that time, a maiden could not marry a man who lived outside the Kabikolan. Daragang Magayon rejected a native suitor named Paratuga. He was rich but selfish. She confessed to her father, Tiong Makusog, who also happened to be the chief of the village that she had fallen in love with a stranger named Panganoron, who saved her from drowning. Her father loved her so much and told her that he would find a way to fulfil the longing of her heart. The manipulative Paratuga decided to kidnap Tiong Makusog to force Daragang Magayon to marry him. The lovely maiden did not have a choice but to agree to the kidnapper’s demand. When Panganoron found out about the deceit, he attacked the village of Paratuga. As soon as he arrived at the wedding ceremony, Daragang Magayon hurried to his side but she was hit by a stray arrow. As Panganoron lifted the fallen maiden, he was attacked from behind. The lovers died in that unfortunate event. Tiong Makusog buried his daughter together with all her earthly possessions that Paratuga had bestowed on her as wedding gifts such as gold and precious stones. To everyone’s surprise, the burial ground began to rise a week after the burial. There were always white clouds hovering on top of the mound. The mound grew bigger and bigger as time passed. The legend goes on that the angry spirit of Paratuga sometimes attempts to unearth the grave of Daragang Magayon to get back the gold and precious stones that he gave her, which causes tremors and volcanic eruptions. He never succeeds in his quest and always ends up getting rocks and lava from the volcano. The cloud that hovers over the volcano is said to be the spirit of Panganoron who still weeps over the loss of his love. His tears fall to the earth as raindrops. Second version There lived a man named Magayon who had a beautiful princess as a niece. He was tremendously protective of her and never allowed a man to come close enough to ask her hand. One day, a brave warrior arrived and became attracted to the princess’ beauty. He asked the aid of the wind to help him pass through the royal chamber so he could lure the princess to elope with him. When the lovers left, Magayon followed them. The princess and the warrior asked the help of the Gods to save them. Suddenly a landslide occurred and buried Magayon. According to the legend, the eruption of Mt. Mayon is brought about by the anger of Magayon. Third version The third version of the legend is told by Laura Agpay, a native of Bicol. There was once a princess named Daragang Magayon. She lived in Bicol where her family reigned supreme over the entire place. She was known for her unrivalled beauty. Many warriors, princes and datus would travel from different areas of the country in the hope of getting her hand in marriage. Magayon did not like any of the royalties who were presented to her because her heart has already been captured by a warrior and prince named Handiong. Unfortunately, Handiong hailed from the rival tribe, the enemy of Magayon tribe. Magayon and Handiong suffered tremendously from their tribes’ attempts to separate them. When they could not stand being apart anymore, they fled, which resulted to a blood bath between the two enemy tribes. The young lovers could not accept the pain and torment of the events that followed. The two decided to end their lives. Even in death, the tribes separated the young couple. After several months, the Magayon tribe noticed a volcano growing in the spot where Magayon was buried. They named the volcano â€Å"Bulkang Magayon† depicting its perfect shape just like their beautiful Daragang Magayon.