
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Visa P para competir o actuar en Estados Unidos

Visa P para competir o actuar en Estados Unidos Los artistas y los deportistas pueden solicitar la visa P para actuar o competir en Estados Unidos con carcter temporal. Son visas no inmigrantes que no deben confundirse con las de tipo O para personas con habilidades excepcionales. En este artà ­culo se explican quià ©nes pueden solicitar esta categorà ­a de visas, las distintas modalidades, cà ³mo se tramita, duracià ³n de la estancia y otras alternativas de visa. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar estas visas Artistas o deportistas que actà ºan o compiten individualmente o tambià ©n cuando forman parte de un grupo o un equipo, como por ejemplo, coros, grupos de baile u orquestas. Tipos de visa Dependiendo de las circunstancias concretas de cada caso hay cuatro tipos de visas P. En primer lugar, la visa P1 es para artistas y deportistas que gozan de prestigio internacional en su campo y desean viajar a Estados Unidos para actuar o competir. En el caso de grupos artà ­sticos es preciso poder demostrar una antigà ¼edad mà ­nima de un aà ±o en el conjunto. Asimismo, tambià ©n debern solicitar visa P1 los artistas que no formando parte del grupo los acompaà ±an formando parte del mismo espectculo. Cada aà ±o fiscal pueden concederse un mximo de 25,000 visas P1. Curiosamente los jugadores profesionales de videojuegos como deportistas de à ©lite y est concediendo visas P-1 para competir en EEUU. En segundo lugar, la visa P2: para artistas que actà ºan en solitario o forman parte de un grupo para actuar dentro de un programa de intercambio cultural entre Estados Unidos y otro paà ­s. En tercer lugar, la visa P3: para artistas que actà ºan solos o forman parte de un conjunto y que desean ingresar a Estados Unidos porque son parte fundamental de un espectculo, o porque van a enseà ±ar o entrenar en un programa cultural à ºnico. Resaltar que en la P3, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con la P1, no se exige que los artistas que conforman un grupo lleven ms de un aà ±o juntos. Finalmente la visa P4: las personas que obtengan una visa P1, P2 o P3 podrn viajar a Estados Unidos acompaà ±ados por sus cà ³nyuges e hijos menores de 21 aà ±os, quienes debern solicitar un visado P4. No estn autorizados a trabajar pero pueden estudiar mientras dure su estancia. Su visa es derivada en el sentido de que no durar ms que la de la persona de la que dependan. Tambià ©n tener en cuenta que en determinados casos se puede pedir tambià ©n una B-1 para los empleados domà ©sticos de una visa P. Cundo no es necesario pedir una visa P Hay que destacar que los miembros de grupos musicales principiantes que no van a recibir pago alguno por su actuacià ³n en Estados Unidos no necesitan solicitar una visa P, bastar con una de turista e incluso ninguna para el caso de los nacionales de un paà ­s acogido al Programa de exencià ³n de visas, como es el caso de los espaà ±oles o chilenos. Esto es asà ­ incluso en los casos en los que cobran un importe destinado a reembolsar exclusivamente los gastos de alojamiento y transporte. Sin embargo, si cobran dinero por su trabajo, aunque sea una cantidad pequeà ±a, SI deben obtener la visa P y se considera un fraude de ley trabajar y cobrar cuando se ingresa a Estados Unidos como turista. Es ms, los oficiales migratorios pueden impedir el ingreso si se considera o sospecha de que se va a cobrar por la actuacià ³n Cà ³mo se inicia el proceso para solicitar la visa P El trmite para las visas P lo inicia el empleador en Estados Unidos, que deber enviar debidamente cumplimentada la forma I-129 al Centro de Servicio del USCIS que corresponda. Si la peticià ³n es aprobada se notificar, por un lado, a la oficina consular donde deban solicitarse las visas y, por otro, al empleador, que recibir la forma I-797. Tramitacià ³n de la visa ante el consulado Sà ³lo una vez que la peticià ³n ha sido aprobada por el USCIS y el empleador ha recibido la forma I-797 podr solicitarse la visa ante la oficina consular correspondiente. Las especificaciones pueden variar de consulado a consulado por lo que conviene verificar la informacià ³n reseà ±ada en la pgina web de la oficina de representacià ³n de Estados Unidos en cada paà ­s. Checar bien si es necesario hacer alguna llamada a un nà ºmero en particular al tratarse de visas para grupos. En là ­neas generales se va a pedir: Que como primer paso se rellene electrà ³nicamente la forma DS-156.Una fotografà ­a que reà ºna las especificaciones exigidas.Abono de la cuota o arancel de la visa. El dà ­a de la cita para la entrevista llevar toda la documentacià ³n exigida por la pgina web del consulado. Seguro es necesario llevar el pasaporte actual y los pasados, pero se puede requerir ms documentacià ³n. Las visas pueden negarse por muchas razones que son clasificadas dentro de dos grandes categorà ­as. En primer lugar, las que convierten a una persona en inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos y otras que la convierten en inelegible para la visa no inmigrante. Estancia en Estados Unidos Los titulares de una visa P sà ³lo podrn permanecer en Estados Unidos por el tiempo que estn autorizados. Para ello lo fundamental no es fijarse en la fecha de la visa, sino en la del documento conocido como I-94. Si se desea extender la estancia, entonces el empleador deber solicitarlo al USCIS rellenando la forma I-539. Tambià ©n es posible realizar sustituciones en los miembros que componen el grupo. Pero el empleador debe solicitarlo al USCIS. Otras opciones a la visa P Estados Unidos brinda diferentes tipos de visas que permiten trabajar en el paà ­s. Cada tipo de visa tiene sus propios requisitos y es necesario cumplirlos todos. Es importante familiarizarse con ellas y tambià ©n conocer cules son todos documentos que permiten trabajar legalmente en los Estados Unidos. Trabajar ilegalmente puede ser causa de revocacià ³n de la visa, expulsià ³n inmediata, prohibicià ³n de ingresar a Estados Unidos o deportacià ³n. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Empathetic Listening

â€Å"I need to talk to you!† How many times have we heard this, especially when we are busy and just want to tell that person to send us an email, give us a note or leave a message on our voice mail. My friends, family and peers tell me I’m a good listener. I must admit; however, at times I find myself thinking about other things than what the speaker is talking about. I easily get distracted or tune out if bored. I recently found out that it takes skill and practice to be a â€Å"good listener† and exhibit empathy. In Chapter Five, of Bridges Not Walls, Stewart and Logan state that in order to listen empathically, its important to develop three sets of competencies: focusing skills, encouraging skills and reflecting skills. Focusing skills is further divided into four parts. First, give your attention to the person you are listening to. Consider it as an investment in time. Accomplish this by â€Å"aiming your posture† so that you’re facing the person whom you’re listening to and if seated, slightly lean forward. Second, â€Å"make natural and appropriate eye contact.† This shows you are conscious of the person and intent on what they are saying. Parts three and four are to â€Å"move responsibly† and â€Å"make responsive sounds.† Moving responsibly means smiling, nodding your head, frowning and so on. These actions should mirror what the person says and does. An effective listener isn’t nodding or smiling all the time, only in response to what the person is saying. Responsive sounds are, â€Å"Mnnhuh†, â€Å"Oh?† â€Å"Yeah† and so on. They are used in the same way as moving responsibly. Presenters need sounds like these t o reassure them that their audience or observer is actually listening. Encouraging skills is designed to get information or more communication from the person. Asking the person to â€Å"elaborate† or give an â€Å"example† of the situation can do this. Also, mirroring or repeating a word or phr... Free Essays on Empathetic Listening Free Essays on Empathetic Listening â€Å"I need to talk to you!† How many times have we heard this, especially when we are busy and just want to tell that person to send us an email, give us a note or leave a message on our voice mail. My friends, family and peers tell me I’m a good listener. I must admit; however, at times I find myself thinking about other things than what the speaker is talking about. I easily get distracted or tune out if bored. I recently found out that it takes skill and practice to be a â€Å"good listener† and exhibit empathy. In Chapter Five, of Bridges Not Walls, Stewart and Logan state that in order to listen empathically, its important to develop three sets of competencies: focusing skills, encouraging skills and reflecting skills. Focusing skills is further divided into four parts. First, give your attention to the person you are listening to. Consider it as an investment in time. Accomplish this by â€Å"aiming your posture† so that you’re facing the person whom you’re listening to and if seated, slightly lean forward. Second, â€Å"make natural and appropriate eye contact.† This shows you are conscious of the person and intent on what they are saying. Parts three and four are to â€Å"move responsibly† and â€Å"make responsive sounds.† Moving responsibly means smiling, nodding your head, frowning and so on. These actions should mirror what the person says and does. An effective listener isn’t nodding or smiling all the time, only in response to what the person is saying. Responsive sounds are, â€Å"Mnnhuh†, â€Å"Oh?† â€Å"Yeah† and so on. They are used in the same way as moving responsibly. Presenters need sounds like these t o reassure them that their audience or observer is actually listening. Encouraging skills is designed to get information or more communication from the person. Asking the person to â€Å"elaborate† or give an â€Å"example† of the situation can do this. Also, mirroring or repeating a word or phr...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The nature of financial information analysis Essay

The nature of financial information analysis - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Financial Information Analysis reflects the developments by addressing the natural world and function of accounting information in the past and present society, with specific reference to technological change. The increasing focuses particularly primary accounting documents, analysis, presentation, and Annual Reporting which propels it to the justifiable level. The main aim apparently is to endow users with the skills required to fathom the information content relevant and other accounting related materials. These functions facilitate corporate governance on creative accounting, the relevant pronouncement in regulatory structures that have been rewritten to add new insight, and emphasis. Information analysis is an art which is highly subjective exercise where skills, experience, and intuition of users account the very critical factor of consideration. The core mandate of accounting reporting, therefore, is to gather information about a n organizations strategy, its operations, and future prospects in relation to commercial, environmental and social context. This is meant to be an organization's most important reporting tool addressing how the business activities are trading and to which extent is the state of affairs in regard to the financial position. In other words, the following performance areas of concern are addressed; what is financial efficiency, liquidity, and its gearing status as well as the expectation of the shareholder in return to their money invested. Its pertinent aim is to create a formula for accounting for sustainability, bringing together governance, social, environmental and finance in a cohesive way. Financial information need to achieve financial development, sustainability and improved performance while reporting on their overall performance. In fact, it exposed some businesses to their bare minimum since companies are able to reveal most of their financial details while yet they did not achieve better performance that they expected. This therefore necessitated the need for a new framework for critical analysis in reporting that would boost their performance through better modalities of information review. The process of creating an integrated management information system has been faced with a number of setbacks. This has been brought about by a number of challenges such as the existences of different rules and regulations governing the various jurisdictions in the international society. Therefore for a report to be standardized there is a need for such report or rules in reporting to be applied across the boards (PETERSON, & FABOZZI, 2012). This has been a problem because the international communities have a different set of laws that govern them and as such some reporting guidelines may not be acceptable to extents within a given jurisdictions. This greatly affects the process of creating an integral report since the committee has to compromise or look for alternative ideas or methods that can be generally accepted across the boards and one that is all inclusive. It may also mean that some jurisdictions may have to be guided by a different guideline on international reporting requir ements (SMULLEN, 1995). Since the idea of financial information analysis was relatively new, it goes without saying that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

E-business Foundations and Basic Concepts Assignment

E-business Foundations and Basic Concepts - Assignment Example They are particularly responsible for specifying what needs to be purchased, the features that the product should have, the quantity to be bought and so on and so forth. In case of a more technically complex products, the buyer actually defines the product’s technical specifications. In the following stage the potential supplier who can supply the required product are sought out for. At this stage, the customer involved in the buying process (in this case a business) seeks out for information regarding the products that they require and the vendors who can meet their demand. Majority of the buyers begin their search online and thereafter attend industry trade shows and henceforth establishes contact with the suppliers either through email or telephone. In order to gain knowledge regarding a variety of supplier buyers also tends to discuss with industry experts, consult trade magazines as well as attend webinars conducted by vendors or perhaps pay a visit to their facilities. T he decision regarding the choice of qualified vendors rests in the hand of purchasing agents. The vendors who have been chosen are asked to complete responses relating to requests for proposal. The proposals are then evaluated and the suppliers are selected. Following this stage, an order routine is established and a post purchase evaluation is conducted and the feedback is reverted back to the vendor (Saylor, 2013). The buying process involved in business to consumer marketing is relatively simple and straightforward where the buyers just has to choose the required product and pay for it either through credit card, debit card or cash. The buyers have the flexibility to shop via online retailers which saves them the extra cost of transportation and as well as saves them the extra effort of being physically present in the shop. Instead they can shop online and pay via internet banking, debit and credit card (Ferrell,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Cultural Assimilation Essay Example for Free

Cultural Assimilation Essay With globalization and people’s living quality advancing dramatically, every year, American universities welcome tens of thousands of international students from all over the world. The land of freedom and justice has opened its doors to those who seek new options and better opportunities and sometimes it asks for certain changes and adjustments fir those who come to study aboard. When these international students pursues higher education in US, fulfilling their life experience and learning something new from American culture, they too bring with them elements of international experience to an American university. Taking up a considerable portion of student population in the university, international students face difficulties to assimilate with local students, particularly in terms of linguistic and cultural differences. International student struggles to become one with the world around him. Some popular cultural studies experts believed it is best for students from all over the world who come to the United States and lose their cultural identity and â€Å"melt† into or assimilate into the American culture. Assimilation occurs in many different ways in our universities, and it is unfortunately, a part of life that we all international students have to learn to accept, no matter the consequences. According to various critics, the process of assimilation occurs in two distinct forms: Language and Culture. My paper will demonstrate the distinction between these two types of assimilation, arguing that language assimilation is necessary, but cultural assimilation can be problematic or damaging. I, being an international student feel that most important aspect of assimilation that an international student faces is language. In American society, learning to speak English properly is a crucial factor and is a form of assimilation. However, people who have decided to come to America to study have found it rather difficult to assimilate into American society for several reasons. International students are forced into an English – speaking classroom and expected to assimilate to the local language with very little help of the educators. The educators are not be blame, the demand for teachers is extremely high and the teachers we have fill the gaps, whether they share a language with their students or not. Linguistic assimilation is important for international students but they should keep in mind that they should not completely melt in other language, which results in eradication of their cultural language. This situation is perfectly portrayed by Salman Rushdie in his essay â€Å"‘Commonwealth Literature’ doesn’t exist† that discusses the conflicts in India over the English language. Salman Rushdie in his essay â€Å"‘Commonwealth Literature’ doesn’t exist† discusses the conflicts in India over the English language. Some in India see English as the language of British imperialism and believe that it shouldn’t be used. Others disagree because the language that is proposed to replace English in everyday use is Hindi, which has strong connections to religion, which are not universally accepted. Rushdie states that this ideological divide is mostly between the north and south of India. He sums up his position by saying, â€Å"†¦it is completely fallacious to suppose that that there is such a thing as a pure, unalloyed tradition from which to draw† (pp. 2541). Rushdie believes that language is an essential part of expr essing culture. He explains that, though Indian and British literature are written in English but they are distinct from one another and that just because they share a common language doesn’t diminish the value of the Indian culture. Rushdie acknowledges the growing importance of global trade and that English is well suited to serve as its communication medium. There is essential technical and scientific vocabulary that is used regularly in international exchanges that have no analog in local languages, such as Hindi. He believes that India needs to continue to embrace English, in order to remain competitive in the global community. Rushdie’s idea of embracing language that is common in the society perfectly exemplifies that international students should embrace a common language which is common in the university in order to stay in competition with home students and communicate their ideas. I have personally experience this situation in my university. So, in order to express thoughts, we (international students) will have to learn a common medium of communication. But learning a different mode of communication should not result into extinction of their cultural language. Rushdie tries to portray that international students should not completely evaporate into the new language and forget about their own mother tongue. We should assimilate into new language but should always respect their cultural language more then other Languages, as according to him â€Å"language is an essential part of expressing culture†. Linguistic assimilation as Rushdie shows often comes from coercion and force from outside, but can be necessary for simple survival. This argument is perfectly exemplified by Ngugi Wa Thiong’o in his essay â€Å"Decolonizing the mind† (1986) who tells us of when he was a grade school student in Kenya. The British declared marshal law over the country in the middle of the last century and in an attempt to curb the rebellion and insurgency, they decreed that English was to the sole language spoken. Suddenly Ngugi had to learn English and couldn’t speak the language of his people at school. These experiences shaped Ngugi opinions about the role that language fills. He is of the opinion that language serves two distinct purposes. One is for communication (Pg. 3). He gives the example of how the different cultures in eastern Africa use Swahili to communication with among each other but use their own language when communicating among their own kind. The other role it fills is that of a medium to express ones culture. Different culture tailors different language to convey and pass down its traditions (Pg. 4). Ngugi argument about Language serves two distinct purposes is true for International students as they use â€Å"English† language as a common medium of communication whereas use their â€Å"mother tongue† as a medium of expressing their culture. â€Å"What a common language does for one person, it does for all society†, this is perfectly illuminated in an article from international journal on Minority and group rights. According to article, â€Å"Effective participation in politics as well as the market economy requires t he development of common vernacular expressions, the free flow of information, and established codes of communication. All of these exchanges are enhanced when individuals speak the same language†. The critic of the article, Chih-Yu Shih says that if fixed proportion of population does not speak the common language, the reach of the state and the market will, in turn, shrink. This is both because communication from one language to another can translate into different meanings and because different language structures themselves reflect diverse perspectives proportion of the population cannot speak the national language, the reach of the state and the market will, in turn, shrink. This is both because communication from one language to another can translate into different meanings and because different language structures themselves reflect diverse perspectives of modernity. To learn a different language is to learn a different lifestyle., international students will have to learn different languages in order to be in reach of state. International Students studying and competing with the local will need to communicate with them, which is only possible if they have a common mode of language. So, in order to remain in touch with the local students and professor, students will have to learn language, which is common. After going through the essays of Rushdie’s, Ngugie and Chih-Yu Shih, we could say that language assimilation makes sense but authors like Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz and Richard Rodriguez says that cultural assimilation is also important. They think that cultural assimilation is very important part of linguistic assimilation as â€Å"Language express cultural†. According to them, one’s traditions such as cultural traditions also have an effect on the willingness and on the degree to which one assimilates. Few international students have found that certain customs like social behaviors which may surprise, offend or offend others; eating food which may seem heavy or bland compared have not been accepted in American culture and might even be condemned. A student who has different traditions than Americans may be frowned upon and may be discriminated against because of the difference. I had experienced this situation as I was discriminated in my folklore class by my follow student. After experiencing this, a question came in my mind that why on a practical level it’s useful to assimilate but on an ethical level, it’s questionable? Sacrificing one’s traditions is a problematic concept even if it means that someone could blend into mainstream culture. International students will have to stick to there own cultures and tradition while assimilating. But this is not the case every time! Some students while assimilating forget about his own cultures and traditions and easil y jolt into others cultures. Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz states a similar situation in her essay â€Å"Hispanics in America†. She reveals the social position of the Hispanics in American society. She says that instead of letting Hispanics follow their own culture and traditions, they are forced to follow the lifestyles of Americans. As only an â€Å"American way of life† existed, Hispanics had to follow the same path of that of the white folks, but also were rarely competing with the dominating white race. Though the Hispanics are the biggest minority group in American society today, their native language and other cultural aspects were scornfully ignored according to Isasi-Diaz, which made assimilation a difficult task for Hispanics. Similarly argument is state by Richard Rodriguez who discusses about culture in America. Rodriguez says, â€Å"I am in favor of assimilation. I am not in favor of assimilation. I recognize assimilation. By making these statements, Rodriguez is saying that he accepts what is happening in regards to culture in America. While he isnt completely for or against what is goin g on, and he isn’t even trying to change it, he is accepting it and working with it. While saying this he doesn’t mean that racial and ethnic distinctions do not matter anymore in America, he thinks that differences are becoming a part of everyday life and they are just so common now that it really isnt such a big deal†. In this essay, Rodriguez states, â€Å"I do think distinctions exist.† Throughout the rest of the essay, Rodriguez goes into great detail of how he understands distinctions exist and how it is changing America. So, this is evident from both the essay that international students will have to blend into America culture in order to compete with American folks in the universities. But blending should not mean that completely giving up their original culture. It means that assimilating into different culture with maintaining the same love for original culture. In conclusion, it is wise to note that both forms of assimilation is adopted by international assimilation in some or the other way. Few international students have over years adopted their â€Å"host† culture’s language, while maintaining their own traditions, customs and values. This common form of communication can also present more opportunities for cross-cultural understanding. International students get to learn many things if they can communicate in a common language. In terms of bilingual education: bilingual education provides the opportunity for a student to use the language that they have grown up with in school while learning another. This permits the student to retain and embrace their language and by extension the culture associated with it. As an old Czech proverb states, â€Å"learn a new language and get a new soul†.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay --

Hard work is the stepping stone for success Since my childhood I used to believe in hardwork and I have been a keen observer and am well known for probing new avenues, always enthusiastic and ready with a chain of questions. Having been brought up in a strong and secure family, i have been blessed to have parents who instilled me with good values and principles. Education was always given first priority and there was no compromise for it. My parents’ support motivated me to reach my goals. Right from my school days, i always enjoy studying biology and mathametics. At the school level though exposed to only major concepts of biology, the terms like cell, genes, dna, protein intrigued me a lot. I used to question myself as to how could these molecules/components, though very small in size, could perform heavy load of work in a well -planned manner and that too within a fraction of second. From my childhood iam interested in studying biology.I love to read books on life sciences and the natural process that occur in nature ,I used to experiments in my home on seed by seeing their different stages of growth by cultivating them in sand .Throughout my school i had excelled in academics by being in top 10 of my entire class.. Also in the state level engineering entrance examination i secured 86.4%. At that time the field of biotechnology field was new to my country and made many remarkable achievements. The passion towards biological sciences made me to take btech in biotech nology in jntua collage of engineering in pulivendula which is an government university. In college i have been exposed to many fields of study like biochemistry, cell biology, micro biology, molecular biology, genetics, genetic engineering, protein engineering, enz... ...or students and also doing some research work which we will be getting from research scholars and writing articles/papers are my responsibilities During my working period I have also submitted another research paper on â€Å"Insilico assessment of factor xa inhibitors by docking studies†which is under review.Iam planning plusing more papers which are under processs. I believe that i have all the qualities of a good researcher. I learnt many things from both my victories and failures.. I can accept both criticism and praise with a positive attitude. I feel that graduate study at your university will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I would be grateful to you if i am given the opportunity to pursue my graduate studies with financial assistance at your institution and am able to justify your faith in me.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

My Dream, My Future

My Dream, My Future Do you pay attention in how fast time goes by? Before we realize, time has passed by and all the dreams we had for our future have not yet come true. The reason is because our dreams are just dreams and haven’t yet become goals. Life is no Nintendo game. You live only once. Therefore, we must fulfill those precious one called Dream during the rest of our short Life. As for me, I have my own dreams too. If you ask me this in my childhood, I would say: â€Å"I want to be a teacher†¦ I want to be an actor†¦ and so on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ .But if you ask me now, I will tell you I have three major dreams. First, I want to graduate this school with the Best grades ever! So, my parents can be proud of me. Second, I want my life to be colorful and beatific. Enjoying life doesn't waste money, we should use many to do some significative things. For instance, we can contribute our money to help the poor and homeless children, we can travel to somewhere to see the n ature scene, we can buy book or collect your interested things to enrich our life, we also can have time to play with your family.Third, I want to travel all around the world. I have always been curious about other cultures and the differences between people in other countries. It would be amazing to travel the whole world. Just realize that you are Riding an Elephant which is the Biggest terricole being, or standing on the Highest spot of magical Pyramids in Egypt, or maybe wandering Deep in the sea and seeing unidentified creatures.Furthermore I would love to bungee jump or swim with sharks, experiencing life to the limits. In the future I may have new dreams, but the first goal I have to achieve is getting my diploma. This is one of the keys to accomplish my other goals and dreams. After becoming a professional, I want to start a family, one lovely wife and maybe three children’s and have one beautiful cozy home to raise my kids and grow old with the people I love the most . I hope to achieve†¦ Written by: B. Davaasuren

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Relationship with Parents as Presented in Foer’s Book Essay

A child’s relationship with his or her parents is a sensitive and moving concept as well as an interesting one to be presented in a contemporary book. This is especially if such idea is being discussed in a point of view of a nine-year-old main character. Jonathan Safran Foer’s 2005 book titled â€Å"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close† is an example of how a very young yet notably intelligent boy named Oskar Schell was able to effectively tell or portray his relationships with his parents, as well as his grandparents. The relationships between Oskar and his parents, as well as with that of his paternal grandparents, are compared with something which can only be imagined and invented. This is because with the extra-ordinary personality of Oskar, his character actually just played up on a lot of scenarios and possibilities that enabled him to establish his relationships with his immediate family and create a connection that only he was able to recognize. It was actually through the uniqueness of Oskar’s persona that allowed Foer to depict the implications of several serious issues such as the World War II firebombing of Dresden and 9/11 terrorist attack. In effect, Oskar’s relationships with his parents and paternal grandparents has proven Foer’s ability to effectively depict that war, terrorism, the future and love are concepts which are loud and close. However, it was likewise Oskar’s family links which determined that there are also things in the book or even realities of life that are seem to be silent and far away such as human relationship. The main character of the Foer’s novel is a nine-year-old boy named Oskar Schell. He is characterized in the books as a discoverer, jewelry designer, a young entomologist, protagonist, music enthusiast, good writer, archaeologist, artist, explorer, actor in a Hamlet production, sometimes a vegetarian, and collector of rare items, but definitely an unreliable narrator. Through these attributes, Oskar manifests the loudness and closeness of life realities such as war, coercion, and love. Eventually, he realizes how quiet and distant his relationship with his parents and grandparents is. Foer unveiled the story of Oskar with the death of Oskar’s father who was among the many Americans who died when the twin towers were attacked in the morning of September 11, 2001. This is the point where Oskar exerts efforts to trace the sense of his father’s death. Instead, however, his journey leads him to recognize and eventually accept what kind of relationship he has with his parents and paternal grandparents. Notwithstanding the efforts made by Oskar in order to establish his relationship with his parents and grandparents, he ends up understanding his sincere fondness towards his family as the mystery behind their relationships is uncovered, and ultimately searching for their love or affection (Foer, 2005). Foer’s utilization of magical realism, the book’s literary genre, as presented in a form of photographs in the book, exposed that Oskar was apparently too late in realizing how he long for the love or affection of his father who was taken away from him so early and made their relationship short-lived. Moreover, Oskar’s incomparable personality has also paved the way for an unassuming and clear presentation of how he relates with his mother whom he criticized for not mourning the death of her husband because of her new-found love. Foer, through the perspective of a nine-year-old boy, was also able to connect past event such as the Dresden bombing with Oskar’s longing of his grandparents whom he was not able to see; he was only able to get to know them through their letters which were written way before he was born. Such literary styles of Foer and ironic scenarios involving Oskar’s life provided the readers with a glimpse of how a father values his son. As portrayed in the three generations of the Schell family, Foer disclosed the long-desired but belated connection among the three men—a relationship that is coincidentally loud, yet silent and close, yet far away (Foer, 2005). Such contradicting metaphors are also evident with how the author presented the relationships between Oskar and the women in his life—his mother and grandmother. The child in Oskar was apparently obvious in times when he displayed some sort of jealousy with the new man in his mother’s life as well as bitterness with his grandmother’s absence. In particular, the book showed that Oskar endured the emotions of hatred and mental confusion apparently due to his mother’s new-found man. He expresses such feelings by hurting himself until he got bruises. This indication, however, only exposed more the kind of relationship that Oskar had with his mother and grandmother. It turned out to be a relationship similar to his father and grandfather; it was characterized with the boy’s intense desire of their affections and centered on his profound longing for their love. Foer emphasized how Oskar, despite his hardships, valued life and his relationships with his family as he echoed the boy’s feelings and said that â€Å"†¦ life made sense. Even the bad things made sense. They were necessary to make you possible. Alas. Your songs. My parents’ lives made sense† (Foer, 2005, p. 232). It was unfortunate to note, however, that the realization of an equally utmost relationship, which Oskar’s parents and grandparents actually wanted, was not achieved. Hence, the boy was left with his unique antics and loneliness (Foer, 2005). Meanwhile, the novel did not only result in giving praise to Foer. Rather, the story unlocks the mysteries in Oskar’s journey as well through which a clearer representation of the impacts of life realities is provided. The book suggests that there a lot of substances as there are emotions in this world. However, the realization and benefit of enjoying life instead of succumbing to absurdity is actually not impossible if only one would open his or her heart to the eventualities of love which will eventually challenge one’s worries and loss. The book makes Oskar as an adorable yet intriguing character because he exudes both naivete and sophistication and one can be truly affected by his fate. Although the novel discusses real issues like war and terrorism, it embraces other life’s dramas which are led by the portrayal of Oskar as a tough character trapped inside the body of a boy. Furthermore, it is worthy to note that amidst darkness in Oskar’s life, he was able to see light. This, in effect, can lead the readers to recover humanity which is human’s link with one another especially during times when human quality is apparently abandoned. In the end, Foer’s book shows the balance between wit and disaster, devastation and innovation, living and dying, and, most definitely, between showing the loudness and closeness of life realities.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Satire in Swift`S a Model Proposal Essays

Satire in Swift`S a Model Proposal Essays Satire in Swift`S a Model Proposal Essay Satire in Swift`S a Model Proposal Essay Jonathan Swift is an Irish writer from the 18th century and was known as a satirist, essayist and a political pamphleteer. He is the author of Guiltier s Travels, A Journal to Stella, Drapers Letters, The Battle of the Books, An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity, A Tale of a Tub and A Modest Proposal. His last work, A Modest Proposal is an occasional essay in which he gives a response to an economical problem which shatters and weakens Ireland at that time, but his response is satiric and he gives rational solutions. According to the Classic Encyclopedia, based on the 1 lath Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannic, Jonathan Swift Is a satirist struggling with a most uncongenial form of expression. HIS text Is based on solid argumentation, although Irrational and unpractical, and also well structured. He begins by Glenn a description of the city of Dublin which Is In a poor state crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags and importuning every passenger for an alms. Only in his fourth paragraph he states his idea, his great Lana, and he does it by telling the reader that he had heavily reflected on it, his words being having turned my thoughts for many years upon this important subject, and maturely weighed the several schemes of other projectors. He ultimately suggests that Irelands greatest problem concerns him very much, and so he is obliged to come up with a solution for the love of his country. He implies that he had thought of many schemes but only one he thought to be of any help. His humbly position Is in contrasts with the end of his essay which can be Interpreted as his untouchable position, his plan cannot hurt him. Only after explaining to the reader the advantage of his scheme he tells them what It Implies, and that Is eating them while young and tender. This idea, eating young children, is given to him by an American, a very knowing American ,as he refers to him and it bears several connotations. From one point of view, a possible cause of including the Americans would be their perception that Irish, or other nation in general, is inferior to them, like savages, and Swift mocks them, and by using satire he shows them that Irish are capable of eating their children. From another point of view, Swift might show the reader that the Americans re the savage ones, due to the fact that he got the hint from one, he might imply that Americans are able to eat their children. Swift gives In the Preface to The Battle of the Books, 1704 the following definition of satire Satire Is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybodys face but their own, which Is the chief reason for that kind of reception it meets In the world, and that so very few are offended with It. and as a support of his theory he ends halls essay In an unexpected way. He says I have not the least personal interest in endeavoring to promote this accessory work, navels no toner motive tan ten puddle good AT my country, DAY advancing our trade, providing for infants, relieving the poor, and giving some pleasure to the rich. I have no children by which I can propose to get a single penny; the youngest being nine years old, and my wife past child-bearing. which can either mean that he bears in mind only the welfare of his country or that he cannot be touched by it, as I previously mentioned, his child being too old to be eaten or sold and his wife past childbearing. As The new Princeton encyclopedia of poetry and attics say Despite the aesthetic and often comic or witty pleasure associated with much satire , their authors incline toward self- promotion as Judges of morals and manners, of behavior and thought. a writer may use irony to Judge to set some moral guidelines. Swift uses irony to mock some of Irish habits and some common belief which were very popular at that time, a person who has authority over every one who lives in his territory. He speaks about landlords, he says that Androids, who as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children to help him sustain his theory. He mocks that the landlord is the highest authority and everyone must obey him. If the landlord would approve his theory, that would mean that all of the children from under his territory would be sold to him, whether the parents approve of it or not. Another element which belongs to the sphere of satire is the relationship be tween the title and the content of the text. Ata first reading of the title, A Modest Proposal which has a small introduction, by which the author explains the reason of his pamphlet, For Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public Swift may lead the reader into thinking that his proposal is fairly practical and useful; a reader may have expected an economical plan with may numbers and logical facts. Its ironic, but in a way, he did offer the reader numbers The number of souls in this kingdom being usually reckoned one million and a half, of these I calculate there may be about two hundred thousand couple whose wives are breeders; from which number I subtract thirty thousand couples who are able to maintain their own children, although I apprehend there cannot be so many, under the present distresses of the kingdom; but this being ranted, there will remain an hundred and seventy thousand breeders. I again subtract fifty thousand for those women who miscarry, or whose children die by accident or disease within the year. There only remains one hundred and twenty thousand children of poor parents annually born. and this gives the text authenticity, but his ideas are, nevertheless, immoral and unpractical. The reason of writing such a modest proposal is given by Carol Fabricate As a parody of the many fatuous proposals for dealing with the problem put forward by writers who had little understanding of the situation. According to what Fabricate says, there were created may systems to try and help Ireland overcome the economical problems, but all were proved to be useless. Swift mocks those who do not know how to write, and for that, he built with good and viable arguments an idea which is immoral, to show them that any idea can be proven, but that does not necessarily make it a good one. Carol Fabricate highlights that A Modest Proposal is an occasional essay and must be understood as a response to an economical problem. Its purpose is to mock the Irishmen, those who continue to write but do not understand what they are writing.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Pippin II of Herstal - Mayor of the Palace - Pippin the Younger

Pippin II of Herstal - Mayor of the Palace - Pippin the Younger Pippin II was also known as: Pippin of Herstal  (in French, Pà ©pin d’Hà ©ristal); also known as Pippin the Younger; also spelled Pepin. Pippin II was known for: Being the first Mayor of the Palace to take effective control of the kingdom of the Franks, while the Merovingian kings ruled in name only. Occupations: KingMilitary Leader Places of Residence and Influence: EuropeFrance Important Dates: Born: c. 635Becomes Mayor of the Palace:  689Died:  Dec. 16, 714 About Pippin II : Pippins father was Ansegisel, the son of Bishop Arnulf of Metz; his mother was Begga, the daughter of Pippin I, who had also been a mayor of the palace. After King Dagobert II died in 679, Pippin established himself as mayor in Austrasia, defending the autonomy of the region against Neustria, its king Theuderic III, and Theuderics mayor Ebroà ¯n. In 680, Ebroà ¯n defeated Pippin at Lucofao; seven years later Pippin won the day at Tertry. Although this victory gave him power over all the Franks, Pippin kept Theuderic on the throne; and when the king died, Pippin replaced him with another king who was, essentially, under his control. When that king died, two more puppet kings followed in succession. In 689, after several years of military conflict on the northeastern border of the kingdom, Pippin conquered the Frisians and their leader Radbod. To solidify the peace, he married his son, Grimoald, to Radbods daughter, Theodelind. He secured Frankish authority among the Alemanni, and he encouraged Christian missionaries to evangelize  Alemannia and Bavaria. Pippin was succeeded as mayor of the palace  by his illegitimate son, Charles Martel. More Pippin II Resources: Pippin II in Print The link  below will take you to a site where you can compare prices at booksellers across the web. More in-depth info about the book may be found by clicking on to the books page at one of the online merchants. by Pierre Richà ©; translated by Michael Idomir Allen Early Carolingian RulersThe Carolingian EmpireEarly Europe Whos Who Directories: Chronological Index Geographical Index Index by Profession, Achievement, or Role in Society The text of this document is copyright  ©2000-2016 Melissa Snell. You may download or print this document for personal or school use, as long as the URL below is included. Permission is   not  granted to reproduce this document on another website. For publication permission,  please   contact  Melissa Snell. The URL for this document is:http://historymedren.about.com/od/pwho/fl/Pippin-II.htm

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Post Isometric Relaxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Post Isometric Relaxation - Essay Example In this context, a distinction must be made between muscle relaxation techniques and muscle stretching techniques. These techniques are usually applied on the muscles that are hypertonic, and before application of these techniques as modes of manual therapy, it is important to demonstrate muscle tightness. In the muscles, there are stretch receptors called Golgi tendon organs, located in the tendons of the agonist muscles (Schwellnus, 2009). These receptors limit overstretching of the muscle bundles through their reactions to inhibit muscle contractions beyond a certain limit. It is known physiologically that these organs react through inhibition of efferent motor neurons impulse transmission, preventing further contraction of the muscles. This leads to reduction of the muscle tone, which results in agonist relaxation and lengthening. It is important to note that the Golgi tendon organs react to both passive and active movements. This leads to an important therapeutic physical princi ple of passive mobilisation of a joint, since these Golgi tendon organs respond to both active and passive movements. ... prudent to find out the gaps in research, so a discernible research design can be crafted in order to find out whether post-isometric relaxation alone or combined with massage may be more effective in treating hamstring tightness in order to result in better flexibility in this group of muscles (Prior et al., 2009). As has been elucidated earlier, muscle hypertonicity may be viewed as a physiologic condition leading to increased sensitivity of the stretch reflex, hyperactivity, and muscle shortening. Clinically, although there is no evidence of fascial hypertrophy and shortening, it can be determined during the muscle length assessment, where the muscles feel resilient with a restricted, end-range feel leading to a resistance to stretch with minimal involvement of the fascia (Clark et al., 2000). When there is involvement of the fascia, the muscle may appear less resilient and hence tight due to shortening of the fascia. Due to this noncontractile component of the muscle dysfunction, restoration of the function would need stretching of the muscle along with its fascia (Koulouris and Connell, 2005). Further to this research has shown that stretching may impair balance, reaction, and movement times (Winters et al., 2004). Muscle energy technique is in frequent use that aims normalise skeletal muscles and somatic tissue dysfunctions. Application of this technique needs appropriate training. A basic approach is postisometric relaxation which can be easily integrated into the massage therapy, and this can be effectively applied for enhancing relaxation of muscles (Roberts, 1997). The term muscle energy technique covers a number of procedures, of which postisometric relaxation is most frequently used, and it can be accomplished through incorporation of a massage therapy.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Honoring Patient Autonomy at End-of-life decisions Thesis

Honoring Patient Autonomy at End-of-life decisions - Thesis Example Thus respect of patient autonomy is based on the informed consent. It therefore follows that where a patient is competent to make a medical decision, it is unethical and unlawful to commence treatment without first informing the patient of the benefits and detriments of the treatment and allowing the patient to determine whether or not he or she wishes to receive the treatment (Harris, 11). In end-of-life situations however, it can be especially difficult for the patient to assess the possible outcomes associated with receiving or not receiving specific medical attention. At the same time, medical practitioners are also confronting conflicts between the duty to save lives and the duty to respect patient autonomy. Moreover, family members often intervene attempting to make the decision for a loved-one who is facing imminent death. This paper examines the literature and the law relative to patient autonomy with a view to identifying how medical practitioners should resolve these challenges and tensions in favour of respecting patient autonomy. Implications for practice and policies will be discussed with a view to strengthening the protection of patients’ right to autonomy. A narrow definition of patient autonomy describes the concept as the patient’s right to determine whether or not he or she will receive a certain recommended medical treatment or whether or not he or she will decline it. The liberal individualist interpretation defines patient autonomy as the patient’s right to â€Å"act intentionally, with understanding, and without controlling influences† (Stiggelbout, Molewijk, Otten, Timmermans, Bockel, and Kievit, 269). Thus the medical practitioner has a responsibility to help the patient understand the pros and cons of accepting or declining medical treatment. At the same time, discharging this responsibility requires